Of music and time travel
If Music be the fuel of travel, fill my tank and let it play. May I traverse the world. Take me on journeys uncharted, through its jungles and cities. Tickle my taste buds, infuse me with the culture and its people. Yet, to revisit sweet memories of days gone by is the quickest journey of all. Ever hear a song that transports you to a time and place in your past? You recall with joy or remorse the mood of that era and like deja vu relive the experience virtually. Siblings on holiday from boarding school. Black out nights, seated on the veranda under the canopy of a night sky illuminated by the moon and sprinkled with glowing stars. Engrossed in the tales of the school term we lean in. Suddenly electricity returns, blinding our eyes, the TV blips on arresting a conversation in mid sentence (who forgot to off the TV after the lights went out?). We dash to the sitting room, it's Thursday night, 10:00pm - time for "The Old Fox". Music by ABBA transports me to su...