No more diapers!!
Diapers are life savers! They are handy for newborns, for new mothers and for the elderly when the center can't hold anymore. Wrap them up, tuck them in the trash and viola! It's as though they never existed. Concerns with hand washing soiled nappies ceases. They may weigh heavy on the pocket but that is contrasted against house keeping chores i.e mopping and vacuum cleaning carpets. Let alone the discomfort of odd glances from visitors. While I pondered over expenses on diapers, pull ups and wipes, I was reminded of my relatives in Soroti whose babies run free. The soil and the grass serve to clear all evidence. A bath in a basin of cold water caters for extreme cases. Natural events such as these do not interrupt the course of life. The time came when my little carrier learned the joys of a bathroom, toilet facilities were put to good use - a cause to celebrate the end to diapers in our home (for now at least). I look back and thank God for how far we have come. S...