Jul 18, 2017

Of Presidential Pursuits and Such

My metro life.

This guy, noticing my camera says,
G: You must be a photographer
Me: Aspiring. I love taking photos yeah, but not yet at the professional level
G: I like taking pictures too but mostly of myself and for work.

I'm like cool. Good to know. There's silence. Then the proverbial question.

G: So where are you from?
Me: Uganda
G: Oh really? I thought you were Kenyan. I have friends from Tanzania and Congo, now you from Uganda.

We get on the train, he has a lot more to say:

G: I think Uganda could do a lot better, its smaller than Kenya but man! It's GDP leaves a lot to be desired … (he spews statistics and speculations on how Uganda can exploit its natural resources better.)
He says “Museveni started well. He set a good example with HIV awareness and reduction but I think it's about time he let go.”

I agreed with him.

G: By the way, I’m Jeff
Me: Mary, nice to meet you.

He tells me he’s an author, a motivational speaker, a professor of Financial Economics…
He’s humor though -  a class apart just! Had me laughing out loud, and he tapping my shoulder like we were long lost pals.
Turns out our kids attend the same school - I mean what are the chances?!
When I asked about his website he said,
“Give me your number and I'll text it to you”
Ohh! Alarm bells and sirens went off in my head. This “getting a ladies number” game had gone to another level. But you know what?! I took the risk and gave it to him.

I received a text that evening - his website? DrJeff4president2017.com 😳. He is running for president of Kenya. You people!!! 😳

A few weeks later he added me to a WhatsApp group and immediately I thought “no way!”
Before I could leave the group, the first message came in:
“Hey Dr. Jeff. This is Liberia president Sirleaf” Aya!!!
I sat up and immediately told my husband there was no way I was leaving the group, the party was just getting started.

Two months on we are in the thick of campaigns and I'm watching Kenyan elections from a front row seat. It's tight! 8 candidates and Dr.Jeff Kaluyu on an independent ticket is sweating it out. What can I say? He’s a passionate man, who wants to see change in Kenya. He's 6 point plan: Make life affordable, Job creation, Jobs skills training, Cut taxes, End corruption and Team up with the diaspora to bring wealth home. I wish him the best of luck on August 8th.

And no! I haven't heard a word from President Sirleaf since.

But what I didn't tell you is, in the middle of last year I met a tall guy in the office - probably 6’4. He took keen interest in my son, asked if he wanted a job and engaged him in a short conversation. After a few random run-ins in the corridor, he told me he was running for president for the Republic of Congo. Now I'm like, what?! 🤔

Jul 5, 2017

4th of July Fireworks

The city of Rockville put up a splendid show of 4th of July fireworks. 

A good attempt at writing my name in the sky. They get  an A+ for effort :-)

Colors of the American flag

Total Eclipse 2024

Total eclipse shot in Pennsylvania. Photo by Mary Ongwen You guys, this eclipse thing exhausted my head. It was in every second article on m...