My metro life.
This guy, noticing my camera says,
G: You must be a photographer
Me: Aspiring. I love taking photos yeah, but not yet at the professional level
G: I like taking pictures too but mostly of myself and for work.
I'm like cool. Good to know. There's silence. Then the proverbial question.
G: So where are you from?
Me: Uganda
G: Oh really? I thought you were Kenyan. I have friends from Tanzania and Congo, now you from Uganda.
We get on the train, he has a lot more to say:
G: I think Uganda could do a lot better, its smaller than Kenya but man! It's GDP leaves a lot to be desired … (he spews statistics and speculations on how Uganda can exploit its natural resources better.)
He says “Museveni started well. He set a good example with HIV awareness and reduction but I think it's about time he let go.”
I agreed with him.
G: By the way, I’m Jeff
Me: Mary, nice to meet you.
He tells me he’s an author, a motivational speaker, a professor of Financial Economics…
He’s humor though - a class apart just! Had me laughing out loud, and he tapping my shoulder like we were long lost pals.
Turns out our kids attend the same school - I mean what are the chances?!
When I asked about his website he said,
“Give me your number and I'll text it to you”
Ohh! Alarm bells and sirens went off in my head. This “getting a ladies number” game had gone to another level. But you know what?! I took the risk and gave it to him.
I received a text that evening - his website? 😳. He is running for president of Kenya. You people!!! 😳
A few weeks later he added me to a WhatsApp group and immediately I thought “no way!”
Before I could leave the group, the first message came in:
“Hey Dr. Jeff. This is Liberia president Sirleaf” Aya!!!
I sat up and immediately told my husband there was no way I was leaving the group, the party was just getting started.
Two months on we are in the thick of campaigns and I'm watching Kenyan elections from a front row seat. It's tight! 8 candidates and Dr.Jeff Kaluyu on an independent ticket is sweating it out. What can I say? He’s a passionate man, who wants to see change in Kenya. He's 6 point plan: Make life affordable, Job creation, Jobs skills training, Cut taxes, End corruption and Team up with the diaspora to bring wealth home. I wish him the best of luck on August 8th.
And no! I haven't heard a word from President Sirleaf since.
But what I didn't tell you is, in the middle of last year I met a tall guy in the office - probably 6’4. He took keen interest in my son, asked if he wanted a job and engaged him in a short conversation. After a few random run-ins in the corridor, he told me he was running for president for the Republic of Congo. Now I'm like, what?! 🤔