Gothic Architecture: The House of Prayer
It is the sixth-largest cathedral in the world. The Cathedral church of Saint. Peter and Saint. Paul, aka the Washington National Cathedral. It pierces through the air, tall and elegant, blending in but standing out at the same time. It looks like an ancient castle, like a mystery house. I was drawn to visit it because it's a house of prayer. Apart from the imprint it left on mind while driving by on a tour bus, I'd heard fascinating stories about the Gothic architecture. Front view of the Cathedral George Washington in his coat of many colors :-) All Catholics know this structure. Reminded me of "Christ the King" in Kampala Space window. The dot in the middle of the circle (up there) contains moon rock that Apollo xi brought back from his trip to the moon. South Rose. Depicting the Church triumphant, imagery from the book of Revelations Choir area View from the Pulpit Hall way The chair that qualifies the churc...