Oct 26, 2020

A poem: The battle of place Uganda Vs America


Ugandan flag - shot taken in backyard during fall

They say let go, move on
They say when you boarded the plane and shook the dust off your feet 
When you peeled the sun off your back and covered your body with winters jacket, shielded your head with springs umbrella, exposed your legs to summers heat and raised your hands to falls leaves 
When you embraced this new life 

You gave up Toto’s Atap, Tata’s Acok 
You gave up lighting Asigiri - blowing into that small open door to encourage the embers 
You gave up playing dodgeball with Acen, Babirye, Mbabazi and Amito 
You gave up twisting the Sound-solo knob and listening to Boniface Toterebuka Bamwenda, Sidney Jingo and Toya Kilama bringing the news of the day 
You gave up lighting Atadoba and the deep sighs that heaved in your chest when “karra fired” in the middle of watching “Another Life” 
You gave up the memory of the kid who stole your red and black pencil 
The classmate who took the Bic pen that you’d marked with your name on a torn piece of foolscap paper carefully tucked between the tube and the see-through plastic 
You gave up crushes and boyfriends 
You left 

But you see I’m more than this body confined to one location 
I’m spirit, I’m emotion, I’m memory 
All you see and all you don’t see make up who I am 
What do I leave? What do I take? 
If I must leave everything, it would include you.

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