Feb 3, 2016

Auction - Okisoni: Market Day in Serere

Teso on my Mind: The local market -  You've got to visit the Wednesday local market in Serere. We call it "okisoni" probably from the word auction ☺️. There is nothing like it. This was my favorite market growing up. You can get almost anything here:- cups, plates, basins, food, clothes, saucepans, shoes, cows, sugarcane, bicycles, bricks, solar systems, sugar, bread, cooking oil - see? The list is endless.


  1. Yes, quite the place! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Tony, nice to see your name on my blog. Been a long while. Thanks for dropping by. Yes, Teso always! Emuryakolai!!


Hey! Thanks for dropping by :-)

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