Six Flags Over Texas
It feels like a pretty long time since I last posted on my blog but you know, life happens, laziness, buziness, nothing-to-write-aboutness and so on. Last Saturday was an interesting one, we decided to go to Six Flags Over Texas with the Lubwama girls, that was something else. The place gave roller coasters a whole new meaning in my view. Ok first of all the only roller coasters I had been on were the really mild ones in UG and the ones that we go through in life, (you know how we always say "our lives are like roller coasters") complete understatements I tell you. The girls had been there several times before so they knew the rides like the back of their palms, Sam, Mich and I were new at this so we only had them as a guide, absolute bad idea. I knew we were in real trouble when we got onto our first ride and the words of caution were something like this " For safety precaution please keep all parts of your body inside the vehicle " aaaaaaahhhh!!!!, what does that ...