Dec 28, 2012

Candid camera on my weight loss

Last January I decided to lose weight. 
Jeanette's advice; "Eat an apple, it boosts energy and ebbs hunger". I tried it but each time, I would swear I had an apple, I just didn't know where it had disappeared.
Clare's advise; "Drink warm water, it is filling and it warms the tummy". Apart from several trips to the bathroom, this advice didn't make any sense, I was still hungry.

Then I discovered the Daniel Fast.

Quite apart from losing weight, I desired a more intimate walk with God. A fast without an agenda ends up being a diet plan. I liked the idea of seeking God while disciplining my body. No sugar, no meat, just vegetables and water. It sounds torturous but it's not so bad, just a little bit.
I started the days in prayer. At every turn there was a temptation but having a reason to fast - things to pray over made it possible to get through the days. I felt extremely drained the first days, my head pounded, I visited the bathroom often but by the end of week 2, I was going steady. It wasn't strange that everything seemed to go horribly wrong during this time - it was a spiritual battle. My body protested but my spirit fortified.
I stuck to water, apples, nuts, bananas, carrots, greens and veges of all tribes. I begun to shade the weight.
At the end of the fast, I felt stronger and attempted to carry on the eating habits. I started at 145 pounds, I'm down to 140 or a little less. I know it doesn't sound very encouraging after all the hard work - cut me some slack.
Ever wonder why some people don't share their weight loss secrets? They say "It is stress" or "I don't know" or simply "Nothing! the weight is just coming off". Whaa! Don't believe them. It's just that their methods are suicidal and they don't want to share lest you chock. I know a lady who ate an orange for lunch. She would have coffee in the morning, an orange for lunch and soup for dinner. Oh and then she would go to the gym everyday without fail. Before I go on about other people let me share my habits, bad or good, I will let you decide.

Breakfast - A banana with coffee/tea. You get used to it.

Break - An apple or nuts
Lunch - A bowl of soup with a chapati or a bowl of salad (who knew it could be so filling)

Afternoon snack - An apple or an orange and nuts

  • Dinner time -  Rice or Irish or pasta but I major on sauce.

  • Drink warm water all day. 

  • Office stress and a busy home life account for some of the weight loss.

  • It's going well so far, most of my trouble is in the mid section. I can't quite get the muscles to firm up enough so at the moment I look a small pregnant woman.
     I'm not going to the gym until I have this weight where I want it. It's easier for me to maintain than try to lose weight on a tread mill.

    Remember: The more you eat, the more you'll eat. The less you eat, the less you'll eat. Choose quality over quantity - more fruits and veggies. Portion control. Don't let your body lie to you. When it says "eat or you'll die" sometimes it's just being fussy and used to a certain routine. Ignore it, keep busy and you'll be shocked at how much more life is in your body. Hopefully at that point you'll realize you are not dead yet (smile).

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