I couldn't get a flight out of the Philly airport because of the crazy rates, the cheapest was leaving from Baltimore which is about 2 hours away. We were blessed to have our navigator friends offer to drive us there especially.
We got to the Baltimore airport in good time and Sam escorted me to the check in point. Things were really smooth because he had done all the paper work for me, I had an eticket and we were also able to book sits and everything off the Internet (sophistication I tell you). After checking in I said bye to Sam and Mich and I headed off to our departure gate. Interestingly this time round Mich was filled with calm curiosity more than anything else, he stayed close to mummy and wasn't any trouble at all.
When we got on to the plane he was directed by the steward towards the pilot sit and he walked confidently without looking behind, started small talk with the pilot while I looked on. It was not until the steward laughed and said it's this way that he turned around and noticed he was not in the right place, he was given one of the airline badges and after that we went to our sit. He rushed to sit down and put on his sit belt and later asked me if he could help me put mine on I almost said do I know you?. Thanks to the educative cartoons on TV that show his favourite characters travelling and what they need to do to have safe trips.
We got to Cleveland and Hannington was there to pick us up, then we took the train all the way to our stop and walked home. I thought Cleveland was a bit like Philly, run down buildings but having it's own sophistication. The people are definitely more friendly and the neighborhood we lived in was above average.
It was nice to see Julie again, baby Ainza is all grown now she sits, and Tendo is a ball of energy. For the first hour or so Mich and Tendo looked at each other and played in silence, that was funny, like they needed time to check each other out, that was all the silence we had for the next four days. The rest of the time was filled with 'Mich, stop that', 'stop pushing', 'Mich you have to share' 'guys you are making a lot of noise', 'it's time to sleep', 'don't run in the house', 'don't push the baby'.....
Julie had a wonderful plan for the week, we went places, met people, watched a movie and like they say a picture is worth a thousand words so ...
After four days we had to head back to Philly, hopefully Sam had got enough alone time to read. There were no hitches on the flight back, Mich slept right through but was miserable the next day because he left his buddy in Cleveland.