Jul 23, 2007

The Dallas TV Series

Anyone remember "Dallas", the TV series that was a hit back in the day?
I don't quite remember what it was about because I was still very young back then but since every one watched it I wasn't going to miss out. All I remember about "Dallas" was the theme song, horses, and a guy called J.R who was always wearing a cowboy hat.

This past weekend Sam took me to Southfork Ranch where the series was shot, that was quite exciting. The part I liked the most was walking into the house that it was filmed in and having the theme song playing in the background.

On TV everything about the ranch looked huge but man!, all camera tricks, the place was ordinary to say the least. The swimming pool that looked like it stretched as far as the eye could see, hmm! like I said ordinary. We just have to give it up for camera tricks.

It was a special moment for me, obviously I took pictures like crazy but you have got to understand. All I ever knew about Dallas before coming here was the TV series and I'm sure some of you would testify to the same.

Mich and I chilling out in "the sitting room".

The team, then
and more recently, J.R is the 2nd guy from the left.

The car on display, polished and all.


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Oh yeah, Dallas was certainly one of those programmes that highlighted the start of video at home. I remember JR as one of those people who was just so heartless. Then there was the pretty pretty lady who advertised on Lux soap (??) - Yeah, I noticed even then that she was a looker ... Hey, that was some trip then. I wish we could maintain some of our areas of importance in the same way.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hey emjay, thanks for the memories of Dallas, South Fort Ranch and the infamous JR. He was actually ranked at one time as the most hated person in America. Talk about taking movies too personally.


Hey! Thanks for dropping by :-)

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