Sep 8, 2007

We are back!

Yee! It's great to be back, no, not to Uganda but back to Philly.
We took the 12:00pm flight from Dallas, took about 3 hours to get here and thankfully my dear friend Brent and his wife Diane picked us up from the airport.
We spent the first night in a hotel because we couldn't get the keys to our apartment until 12:00pm of the next day (1st September)
My my! west Philadelphia especially the areas surrounding the University was jammed with cars, roads were blocked off, basically that whole part of town looked like back to school day in a boarding school. Students carrying suitcases, furniture, the whole works, but that is because many students especially under grads rent housing close to the compass.

Interestingly it's good to be back, feels more like home than ever (I can't believe I just said that), I guess because everything is familiar. Nothing much has changed.
It's nice to meet up with friends, who were more less acquaintances last semester, there is a lot more in common. Every one is talking about their summer experiences, where they went, and whether or not they are going back at the end of the course.
Gosh! it's wonderful to be a second year, certainly feel more in control and familiar with the school schedule and life in Philly generally. The best part is telling the first year moms "it's tough but you will make it through seeing as some of us lived to tell the story".
Our new apartment is much nicer, at least we can all breathe freely without thoughts of suffocating. Ok may be I have over stated it but our first place was really for survival and not much else. Mich likes the new place and that is a good sign.

What's the plan for the next few weeks?, well, party party party, we are now the matures and hopefully school is going to be less stressful, at least that's what the second year moms' told us last year.
By the way the party's are purposeful, it's not out of control. There has got to be a come-back party, house warming party's, we-made-it-through-the-summer party, before-we-get-back into-intense-reading party's, welcome parties for the first year moms in the kids club ... so you see these parties are all necessary.


  1. Welcome back home! Teehee! I pray your second year at school by far supercedes the first, whatever that means!!

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    i am reading all your writing on the blog.... thank you for sharing your's good to know how God is taking care of you,thank you for sharing your life journey, it's good to hear that you had chance to visit the muyenjes, the watoto......praise the Lord that He has given you life to expeience all these things, may He wacth over you and your loved ones and may your american experience be filled with God you
    nze nantongo


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