Sep 11, 2009

Bon appetit?!

On Sam’s first visit to America, he walked into a fast food outlet and placed an order.
The guy at the counter - “forherretogo?”
Eh! Sam is trying to figure out what the man is saying.
Guy at the counter – “Sir, forherretogo?”
Sam – “what?”
Guy at the counter (gives him a puzzled look, then emphasizes) – “Sir, would you like it here or to go?”
Sam finally figures it out – “here”.
Kati why didn’t the guy just ask if he wanted “takeaway?”
Anyway, I concluded that “Takeaway” is a code only used in Uganda.

When fast food was still a new phenomena in Kampala, Bon appétit brought it home. The chips and chicken, fish fillet, kidney, liver and fried cassava defined take away, that is until Ugandans got into a frenzy, thinking they would die if they all didn’t set up their own “take away”. Now Kampala is drowning in fast food restaurants.
Even in this sea, Bon appétit remains top on my list of fast food stops. I like the potato chips (most of the time), I even dreamed of them when I was subjected to tasteless potatoes in outside countries. We have a history you see, Bon appétit and I go way back, besides I’m impressed by Mrs. Mosha’s stamina. She has opened up a chain of Bon appetite’s in accessible locations around the city, if she keeps up we might have our very own version of Mc Donald’s right here.

A young waitress burst my bubble when I made a stop at the chain store on Jinja road. I was excited to finally get a taste of my favorite junk food; I placed my order and noticed she wasn’t amused. She seemed to blame me for her misery. Ok, so it was a Sunday afternoon, she would much rather chill out with her friends or something, but hey! It was not my fault. I didn’t hire her; I just thought that since she was there, she would make the most of it. It was quite dramatic when I asked her about something on the menu and she used her mouth to indicate what was available. I smiled, made my order and hoped the food tasted better than the attitude. It did. The chicken was as crispy and tasty as always, the chips were nice and hot, with a few strips of cabbage on the side and plenty of ketchup to make up for the lack of sauce.
Even with the poor reception, I will not be deterred. I will try the original Bon appétit on Kampala road, next to fidodido before I even think of throwing in the towel.


  1. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Try Javas on Bombo Road

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      This is so hilarious. I knew Stephen long ago in Africa. He looks just the same and can dance. His personality is definitely . . .special

    2. Hi Anonymous, I see this "line" gets even longer :-). Thanks for the reassurance too hihihi and last but not least, thanks for dropping by. May Mrs. Mosha rest in peace.

  2. Mrs.Mosha really helped us with Bon Apetit.I still think of it as one of my favorite"takeaways".

  3. I had a serious crush on Stephen Mosha. Wonder whether he is still cute

  4. Kim - Eheheh! Looks like that line was long :-). I saw him sometime, but I will not be quoted here :-).

  5. i am with you on the Bon Apetit fries..
    absolutely well done!

  6. U know who I am :)1:37 PM

    Is this the Stephen Mosha who is in the US (Boston)? If we are talking of the same person. I do agree he is hot!!!!...close to 40 but still hot....

  7. I should know who you are :-)- Thanks for stopping by and yup, that must be Stephen alright.

  8. U dont know who I am!12:17 PM

    Kymbugs I can confirm he is still cute saw him a month ago and FYI he is still single! Catch him before I do :)BTW Mjay take a guess you will never catch me out!

  9. I really should know who u are :-] - If he is still single there is a big trick, I don't know ...
    As for you, I am narrowing down slowly. For starters you must be a lady unless ofcourse you are "happy" (jugding from your comments about Steve). Secondly those who would know Steven are of a certain generation. You saw him a month ago, so you are in the general area. Now, let me get cracking

  10. Catch me if you can:)1:01 PM

    Hey Mjay,
    Let me help u out. Yes I am a lady…. no surprises there but have a sneaking feeling that we are talking of 2 different people with the same name but if u tell me what Steven does for a living we will be able to confirm if its the same person-my Steven is a workaholic but a smooth charmer....Common waiting for some names....:)

  11. Still trying to figure u out - Aha, so he is now "your Steven" okay okay. If there are 2 Stevens' that fit the same profile (handsome, charming ...) that is really amazing. But me thinks he is one and the same guy.

    So you are a lady?! duh! That doesn't help me much. I need a real clue.


Hey! Thanks for dropping by :-)

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