The "What to expect" series book review

Books: What to expect the first year and What to expect the second year.
Authors: Heidi Murkoff, Sharon Mazel, Arlene Eisenberg & Sandee Hathaway

After reading “What to expect when you’re expecting”, you bring baby home and wonder what to do with the cute buddle of joy (sometimes not so much joy).
Well, Heidi Murkoff wrote another book “What to expect the first year” she has done the research for you. She points out  baby's development month by month and blends it with the mother's (and fathers) challenges and questions at this delicate stage. Having all this information sprinkled with questions from parents makes it all more real. Parents are able to identify.

This book has been extremely resourceful for me especially considering that Sam and I were relocating with a baby; from how to find a good pediatrician to looking after my body after baby, “What to expect The First Year” has it all. The humor with which Heidi writes can turn your sullen look into a smile particularly when you’re dealing with issues like a cranky baby who won’t sleep at night. I particularly appreciate that all the information is backed up with medical research from the best childrens hospitals in America.

I like that she covers angles like adoption and how to prepare for it and possible challenges on the journey. She gives an in-depth look at children with special needs, this is helpful not only for their parents but it’s informative so others can understand and know how to be helpful.

I definitely recommend it for new parents. Best if you get all three series: “What to expect when you’re expecting”, “What to expect the first year” and “What to expect the second year”. You can also visit the  what to expect website here.

Now that Amani is approaching her second birthday, Sam and I are constantly flipping through the pages of “What to expect the second year” to see what to expect. Sometimes it’s to understand what we are already seeing or to gauge whether Amani is on track with what children her age are expected to be doing. Yes, we are drawing closer to potty training, day care, wellness visits, tantrums and the joys of toddler hood. These books have been and continue to be an amazingly helpful guide for us as parents raising little people.

If you are expecting, know someone expecting, has just had a child, or whose child just celebrated a first birthday, these would be wonderful gifts that they would find resourceful and remember you for.

Heidi has got her work cut out for her, I hoping she is on the drawing board writing something for 6 and 7 year olds. Mich is such a riddle lately, maybe she will help solve this puzzle too.


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