Black and white and oh so beautiful |
is a boy, she is a girl and they have 6 years between them.
He can fix her a snack and keep her entertained when mum and dad are busy.
She makes him laugh; it’s great to have a little sister!
They run and jump and roll all over the carpet.
They laugh and cry and want to pull out each others hair.
On the other hand ...
He is 8 and excited by spooky stuff, weird looking creatures
give him a thrill; She is 2 and little Miss A bursts into sobs at the sight of a robot.
says "Okay! Let’s find something you can both watch. How about
Caillou?" He rolls his eyes. "
Wonder Pets?" He goes, "mom
So, 2 kids will not agree on
what to watch because he is a boy, she is a girl and they have 6 years between them. Makes me wonder how I lived with 5 older siblings. We watched the same shows and everyone was happy... I think.
He thinks in clear squares. Please give one instruction at a time " Clear the table full stop.Wash your hands full stop. Bring your books full stop". If I say, "clear the table, wash your hands and go bring your books", there is total chaos. He cringes, his eyes water because he thinks he has to do everything at once which in his mind is simply impossible.
She thinks in circles. Give her the same instructions and she will want to wash her hands, clear the table (with water dripping everywhere) and probably drag the table cloth along as she goes to pick her books.
She loves clothes, shoes and accessories. She
beams her sweet smile, cuddles up close, raises her eye brows and asks “For me?”
“Can I try?”. He will leave new clothes untouched and get upset when
asked to try them on.
Give him a
3DS and he will hibernate, never to be seen. Little miss has a knack for sniffing him out and then I'll hear grunts “leave me alone!” or “go away!”
He doesn’t want water anywhere near or on his head, face, mouth, arms, legs, back, stomach, basically!... ; If she could only figure out how to breath and eat in water, life would be perfect.
He could live in a cave; she thrives on relationship.
Writing on walls was never his thing ; crayons, pens and pencils seem to
constantly call her name.
They are simply different |
He is "allergic" to Vaseline; she could smear
the whole house and then some.
She loves to sing; he would rather cry.
She lives by the DIY (do it yourself) motto. She would rather brush her teeth, comb her hair, dress up and feed herself, my only job would be to provide the instruments. He would much rather
lie there and imagine all these things happening automatically.
He wants a perfect life where everything falls in line with his wishes and is totally crushed when
reality sets in ; she dances to whatever tune is played, there may be disappointments, she will cry her little heart out, when she's done she will move on.
She is constantly closing doors and putting things away; he
doesn’t know what that means.
She loves hugs and kisses; if he could, he would pay for personal space.
She wakes up in a good mood; don’t wake him up if
you know what’s good for you - dreams are interrupted at the most critical
points, thought patterns are disorganized, generally you mess everything up.
When one tosses me over the cliff, the other provides a safe landing
with a glass of juice and a plaster to boot. They are different but very beautiful in their individuality.That is the awesomeness of God - He
made us fearfully and wonderfully. Hehehe get the joke? "Fearfully and wonderfully?" oh well, never mind.
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He says |
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She does |
And that sums it up.