Mar 25, 2008

Communication class

Sam told me about Communication classes that were being held at school. They were not on the curriculum but students who were interested could attend. I thought that was fantastic because I'm seriously toying with the idea of going back to school for a Communication major.

I walked into the class and made myself comfortable. Not wanting to draw attention I carried along like I knew just what I was there for. That worked until the professor mentioned she was sending us the work for discussion over email.
Problem - the computers have student logs, I wasn't a student,I couldn't get to my yahoo account.
I walked up to the professor and gave myself away, "I'm not a student, I'm a partner..." for a while there she was speechless. She opened her mouth to speak but the words were not forth coming, I thought I was undone. I wasn't sure whether she was cross with me or she actually had trouble expressing herself.
She said I was welcome to stay but all the work was going to be on computer.
Ka-ching! I got the bright idea, called my dear husband and he gave me his password, that worked and I enjoyed the class.
As it turns out the professor wasn't cross with me, she had the same expressions even as she taught.

I thought it was going to be 'nuclear physics' seeing as she was teaching "Wharton" students, but it wasn't bad at all.
At times being around Wharton students can give you a 'complex' but the truth of the matter is they're just a simple, down to earth, brilliant, intelligent, well travelled group of people. The 'complex' is self inflicted (most times).


  1. Well done you!
    After reading your blogs, I think you are a brilliant communicator!

    I don't know what else you'll learn in your Communications class, but I know you'll be developing existing skills. thank you for not burying that 'talent' in the ground!

  2. Owh! those are nice things you said.
    Thank you.


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