Jul 17, 2009


In America: Chicken lays golden egg!
Next day: Kansas chicken lays golden egg!
20 minutes later: Farmer Brown’s 5 week old chicken laid golden egg in upright position
Next: Chicken with golden egg ate grain from Mr. Murphy Silentspoon’s store.
Then next head line : Chicken tinted with blue feathers, had never laid eggs before.
And the next: Chicken linage traced back to Cleveland Ohio.
Chicken is given special care, it dies of old age and is placed in a museum.

In Africa: A chicken lays an egg which is golden.
Next day: Chicken dies
It's eaten and that's it.

Americans’ uncover everything they can find on a story. It’s discussed, analysed and broken down until you are fed up. They will scrutinize the words spoken, the way they were spoken, the possible thoughts, moods, expressions – every angle. The public is either satisfied with no further questions or wonders what other twists and turns could be included.

Federal judge Sotomayor, nominated by President Obama to be next Supreme Court justice is a perfect example. If she survives the lines of fire coming her way she will be the first Hispanic justice and third female justice in US high court. She has been grilled, turned over, reversed inside out, squeezed and shaken for over 4 months.
Now, if only Uganda could borrow a leaf, issues like Faith Mwondha and the global fund troubles would be justifiably history.


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM


  2. Anonymous4:12 AM

    rotflmao!!!!!!! id also eat the stpd chiken! cud be sik infact! wats it doin layin golden eggs?????

  3. i totally agree...tp ug borrowing a leaf ofcourse

  4. Mamamich dreams of a better Uganda.

    Ten days later- mamamich still dreams of a better Uganda.

    Ten years later- mamamich is stil dreaming. Yes, of a better Uganda.

    Hope all is well.

  5. Serakelz - bambi the ka chicken.

    Ug - I feel you.

    3TOC - Are things that far gone? I can't dream of better days? I mean go beyond just the dream?
    There is hope (repeating to myself)

  6. I love the chicken analogy! Hahaha
    So true! One of the reasons why I cannot watch news in the UK. Too much time analysing the same stuff - day after day after day! I mean there are still Michaeal Jackson conspiracy theories being analysed in the papers today. Give the man a rest!

  7. So true. Reminds me about the "Octo-mum" kraze in the media. I hated turning the telly on during those days. Media get bored quickly and will dump you soon as something else interesting to break down appears - like the girl in Iran that got shot or the current analysis of MJ !!!

  8. big point there MJ...big point. And i feel i've been away from here for eons!!twon't happpen again, solemn pledge..u gd?


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