It's a Baby!!
Halfway there, woohoo!!! I am feeling fantastic, energized and alive. Loving the weather! It’s been raining and the breeze is the best – anything in exchange for the crazy Jan heat. My nose has reduced in size – see what the cool breeze can do? 20 weeks doctor’s appointment ; - the major ultra sound to determine baby’s gender, its anatomy and general health, insuring that all the organs are in place and the rest of it. I had my U/S two days ago and we are having A BABY Yeeee!!!; got two hands - five fingers each, got two legs - five toes each, a throbbing heart, a good spine and lots of energy. Little person couldn’t lie still, tossing and turning and folding and …. Couldn’t gather the guts to ask for the gender … I know, my bad … but I just love mystery and surprises. When the radiologist pointed at the pelvis, I hoped that by looking intently I would figure it out on my own but I was wrong, the picture just got more cryptic. But it’s ok. If it’s a boy - that’s familiar territory, Mi...