My miracle

It's been a long journey up till this point and a longer one yet a head.
Some of you may have heard about my little miracles Nziiza and Kwizera God decided they would be safer in heaven so He took them back.
But on July 22, 2010 at 11:05 am, He gave Sam and I another miracle to keep for a little while.

I take this moment and many others to thank God for being real good to me. He has answered countless prayers and seen me through some dark dark valleys.

I look at this miracle and my heart dances wildly.
Like Mary said in Luke 1:46 -

"My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name".

My boys came too soon, at 24 and 20 weeks respectively. I was later diagnosed with a weak cervix. When they got heavy, my cervix would just give way and there was no way to save them. To get the full story look out  for the November edition of African Woman under Real Life Stories.
End of kalango.

Anyway, I went to hospital thinking I was carrying a boy because some eager radiologist let her mouth run without request. Sam and I were not keen on the sex, we were thankful already, a healthy baby was all we wanted.
When the baby was handed to me, I was freakin' electrified.
"What?! it's a girl? It's a girl!" "Oh my goodness, it's a girl!"
The doctors had a good laugh.
I mean, who does that these days? Who goes into the labor ward not knowing what to expect? (I know, it's either one or the other -thank God) but I was supposed to have checked and double checked.

"Oh the joy that continues to flood my soul.
Something happened and now I know, He touched me and made me whole"

Amani Keeza Ongwen is now 4 months old. She is a strong and beautiful girl - just like her name suggests.

Her favorite person in the whole world is her big brother Mich. Nobody makes her light up and kick like she has a bee in her bonnet - the sound of his high pitched voice and his perky personality set her on fire.

Her favorite cartoon characters are Elmo (Sesame street) and Bob the Tomato (Vegetales), these two make her smile, but not as much as Mich does.
She loves stories with lots of pictures - big colorful pictures.

So, what are you asking the Lord for? Is it taking long? Is the pain more than you can bare and the yearning unfathomable?
Don't despare, God will meet you. Make sure not to leave the place of appointment (prayer closet) and don't forget to say thank you - remember the story of the ten lepers.


  1. Beautiful. Kezza is beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Just the message I needed to 'hear' today. Thank you.

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Mama Mich and Kezza,

    She is as beautiful as her name. I want a little girl too..*sob,sob.*

    Sending you hugs and many good wishes from Rwanda,


  4. Just read through your previous posts about Nziiza and Kwizera. Your faith and courage are a blessing!


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