Nov 30, 2006

Bowling with Cohort E

At Wharton the students are divided into cohorts I guess we can refer to them as classes, I believe the range from A to J or something like that. Sam is in cohort E and this week they decided to have a little fun so they went bowling. Mich and I tagged along, we were the only family there but that was alright, we had a great time.

This was my second time to go bowling and I'm beginning to think I should have taken it on as my sport, it's not too late right?! I got there and found Sam was playing with two other guys who were bowling gurus' after a while he asked me to play in his turn and I was striking helplessly, (striking means hitting all pins at once), so I managed to raise our grades. Some two other girls joined in and that made things so much easier for me, half the time their balls ended in the alley.
Bowling is fun, I had even more fun knowing that I was rubbing shoulders with these extremely brilliant people and I was able to catch a bit of attention. I was just thinking to my self, I might not be as extremely brilliant but it's cool to know that I can compete in another area.
Mich had a wonderful time, fortunately the balls were about as heavy as he was so we didn't have mistakes of people being hit. Everybody loved him, at some point he was bar attendant, at another he was on someones shoulders, dancing, laughing just being the blessing that he is.

Nov 28, 2006

Thanks Giving

Yeeee! we are back in Philly, I kinda missed home, I know that sounds funny but really it is nice to be back. It was certainly good to go away because now that we are back I appreciate home all the more. We had a great time in DC, it was certainly the Lord's doing and it was marvelous in our eyes.
We had a union of friends away from home (Uganda) and I met new and fun people.

Mich and I were scheduled to take the midday Greyhound bus to DC but we were only able to leave home at 11am, I thought that would be good enough time to get t o the station. Only I had forgotten how slow the bus from home tends to be sot by the time we were nearing the Greyhound station I was almost breaking out in sweat because it was 10 minutes to midday. By the time we got off the bus It was drizzling and then Mich started acting up, I had two pieces of luggage. At this point my mind is racing because we are almost late and I'm not sure how far the station is, meanwhile Mich wants me to carry him. I couldn't believe it! I explained to him that we were running late and that I had two other pieces of luggage so I couldn't carry him but he was not having any of that. He begun throwing a tantrum and crying so I stood for a bit wondering how to carry him and all my luggage. Just then a gentle man who saw my dilemma walked up and offered to help, asked me where I was going and picked up my bags, that was definitely an angel sent by God. I picked Mich up and we walked to the bus station, he was still a bit cranky but not as much as before. The guy got me to the station helped me get in line and asked if he could buy Mich something to eat, I was more than glad. When he got back he handed Mich some cookies and told him to be a good boy, I was still dazed at this gentleman's kindness, I kept saying thank you, I should have asked him for his name but I didn't think about it then. I was too glad that we had arrived at the station and that he offered to help. Meanwhile the station was extremely crowded, every body was traveling some where for thanksgiving so it was a crazy mess. Long and short of this, we got on to the bus at 1:15pm and got to DC at 4:00pm. Sam had classes that morning so he came a little later.
After a little while Mercy and Moses came to pick us up and we spent much of the evening at their home. Sam came in three hours later, it was certainly nice to all be together. Julie and Aiinza her six weeks old baby were already there all the way from Ohio so it was a great reunion. We had wonderful fellowship and great food before we went off to sleep. Mercy had organised for Sam, Mich and I to sleep at one of her friends apartments, that was great, we had not met before so it was nice to know that this lady (Brenda) was happy to open her home to strangers. Turned out that Brenda is a very close friend to one of my colleagues in the Bank and she had told me about her (its a small world) so it was beautiful every way.
I haven't eaten as much as I did over this thanksgiving period, Mercy and our host spoiled us silly. We had heavy branch every single day, watched a movie, went out on the town, did some shopping and had catching up time too.
On the day of Thanksgiving, Mercy and Moses had been invited to a friends place for dinner, they explained that they would come for a short while because they were hosting friends. Mercy's friend Al said no problem let them come too, the more the merrier, even after she had said it was going to be seven of us, he was good with it. So we all packed ourselves in the car and went over, it was absolutely fun, Al and his wife Cecilia and their daughter Nicole are from Bolivia so we certainly had lots of questions about culture, beliefs, way of life the whole works.
The next day we had a potluck dinner with members of cell group and again it was nice to meet people I hadn't seen in a while and we celebrated knowing Christ as Lord of our lives.
On Sunday morning we visited the Niwes' church and danced "Sing out" just before the sermon, it was lovely and people were excited to have us there.

We got on the bus that afternoon and headed back to good ol Philly.

Nov 20, 2006

Independence Hall

The other day I toured Independence Hall, the birth place of "These United States of America. It's the historic site where delegates from all of 13 colonies (of America) met in the Assembly Room of the Pennsylvania State house to create the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The site was flooded with a constant flow of tourists, my group consisted of about 35 people. Before we could start ogling around we were given a brief run down of the events that took place here.

As the tour guide wrapped up he asked from where we had travelled- Ohio, Denver, Colorado e.t.c, when I said Uganda I nearly got a standing ovation. They probably thought I had come all the way just for this, I simply basked in their amazement.

As usual I was with my buddy Mich who was quite at home moving around probably wondering why people were walking in and out of rooms.

Our first stop the “Congress Hall”.

Then Mich tells me he needs to go to the rest room, there couldn't have been worse timing. I started looking around to see where we could go, then I saw an officer at the door and asked him, to my horror he said there was none in the building, he then went on to explain how if we went out we couldn't come back in until the next group was due, like in another 45 minutes.

I’m thinking that will not work.

He very slowly describes directions to the nearest conveniences, by this time Mich is wriggling and saying he has to go but the dude is not letting us out. Then he motions me take a look at a room, so I’m thinking okay, may be there is a loo in here, well there wasn’t, he was showing me the Supreme Court Chamber, aaaahhhh!!!!!
The details of what transpired after that are for another day.

But what sent chills down my spine is the manner with which this building and it's artifacts were held so much reverence.

The table clothes, the pens, the books, the furniture, the guns all intact and made to appear as though the guys had just walked out for a break from signing the constitution. That takes some serious patriotism. My dear Ugandans can we even try to fathom this?

After that we went to see the Liberty bell which is an International symbol of freedom, it hung in the State House in 1753 and summoned the Pennsylvania Assembly to debate the Stamp Act and other burdensome actions by the British Parliament.

All this history and preservation of sites has a very powerful effect on me.
I get emotional.

Its cold

Days are getting real chilli, I thought I would take Mich out for a walk today but eh! man! the wind chill was a bit much for me. I guess the reason we stayed inside was we are nursing colds and I didn't think the combination would work.
This past weekend has been a beautiful one, Sam was able to stay home, and that was nice. It was more than nice, it was spot on because Mich and I didn't see eye to eye, he made me so extremely mad that I needed someone else to handle him for a while lest I do something real crazy. For some reason he keeps forgetting where the restrooms are and seemed to be unlearning his potty training. I was not happy at all, even after we sat down and talked about the ordeal it would happen again. I realised that I was half upset because I had to do laundry more often than I had planned and I was low on money. It really takes God to raise a child the right way and His wisdom to know how to train and discipline. I realise I use Michs' mishapps to vent our frustrations which is not right, okey so he made a mistake but how grave should the punishment be? I have to keep reminding myself that he is only 2 years old.
We spent Saturday evening visiting with Felix and Candy Okoboi, it was absolutely great. Felix is finishing his second year and Candy just came over from Uganda with their two kids. I have never seen Mich play so hard like he did that night, as soon as we got there he set it off with the girls. They played, laughed, ate together, it was amazing. The sad moment was when we had to leave, the girls were close to tears but they really had a good nights sleep that's for sure.
Felix found out that he comes from the same village as my mom and that Sam also went to Buddo. More to that, Sam and Felix discovered they were both sci fi freaks, while Candy and I were more in to romance and real life occurences, that was fun.

Thanksgiving is round the corner and I'm looking forward, we had a kids club thanksgiving party last week. The kids had a wonderful time pinning feathers on the Turkey (not a real turkey but pictures)while the adults took some time to talk. I was able to carry on some real good conversations with a few moms and that made my evening. Come Wednesday Sam, Mich and I will be heading to Washington DC to give thanks with friends.I think every nation should celebrate Thankgiving because it's only reasonable to thank God for all the things He has done for us.

Nov 12, 2006

The keys

Today started really well for Mich and I, he was up early and we got ready to go to church. Just as we were about to head out the door I begun to look for the keys. They were not where I thought I had left them, that put everything on hold because Sam had already left home for another function.
Basically Mich and I turned the house upside down and couldn't find the keys, I was worked up but trying to be calm, he was worked up and begun to cry, well first he told me he was scared and I assured him there was nothing to be scared about, we would find the keys. Obviously he was upset, but the one thing that kept me going was the music that was playing on TV. It was just as if they had decided to play all my favourite worship songs, so even though we were absolutely late for church I had my time at home.
At some point I decided to just sit down and relax then Mich came and asked me for a hug, so we sat there just rocking back and forth when I remembered who I last saw with the keys and where he had put them. No prizes for guessing who had last handled the keys but as for where he had put them I would give a trophy. The keys were inside the study lamp, when I say inside I actually mean inside, Mich managed to push them up the opening of the lamp and they were stuck there. I was only able to see them from the angle that we were sitted. By this time service was definitely almost over but Mich insisted that he wanted to go to sunday school.
We got to church just as the service was about to end and Mich was not exactly very friendly because of our earlier ordeal, he was blaming himself. Long and short it wasn't a good idea to go to church, he was crunky, didn't want people to look at him or ask him how he was. He spilled water, was running through the church crying at the top of his voice, even Pastor Brad couldn't catchup with him, he threw tantrums, wet his pants, need I say more??
I was absolutely embarrassed beyond words, I was obviously very upset with him so we came home immediately. We had a small discussion in his room and now he is sleeping, thus I get some peace and quiet to blog.

Nov 8, 2006

Jingle Bells?

November is here and I can't believe that jingle bells are ringing. The supermarkets and stores are already selling christmas cards, seasons greeting cards, christmas decor, everything. This is going to be so much fun ... I think, having to celebrate for almost two months, this is cool! And back home people begin preparing for Christmas like two weeks in advance, then before you know it, Christmas is over.
Remember we have not celebrated Thanksgiving yet, maybe that's how we get to call it the festive season.
I doubt that the Wharton fellas are looking forward to these holidays as much or maybe they are looking forward more than anyone else in the world. A bit of a break from their crazy schedules would be welcomed with open arms. There is a student who is breaking under the pressure, I got to read some thoughts that she had put down and honestly she is going through much. A part from crying every single day and feeling like professors in Wharton are sadist, she left the love of her life in another city and can't remember why she came to school in the first place. Do we still have people out there wanting to do an MBA?!
Sam tells me how he struggles to stay awake in his classes and how he is obviously not the only one. The other day he went for a conference and one of the students who was obviously very spent sat in the chair and slept through the talk.
Some people look like they are in a daze, they are looking at you but are not exactly seeing you. People have to be persuaded to go for parties and free food, I read an email from the guy in charge of the social events for the African American Mens Association and he was complaining that none of the first years is attending the get togethers. He has resorted to enticing them with prior info that he is inviting the under grad girls, lets see if that works.

Nov 5, 2006

Peace and quiet

This week has been amazingly low key if I say so my self, I didn't go anywhere, Mich and I stayed home.
I wouldn't consider the trips we made to the Hospital and dental school. They were more for farmiliarisation than anything else, just to know if they accepted our medical cover and what the procedure was to make an appointment. It turns out that the trips were not necessary because here most things get done on the phone or over the internet, but I was glad we went.
bOther than that we have been indoors, much of it has to do with the cool temperatures outside.

Mich has been a real good boy this week, my heart is full of gratitude to God. Every single day this week he has kept to his napping schedule without throwing a tantrum and that has given me much needed peace and quite to read up on stuff and watch some programmes on tv. Staying home all day was a story one time because Mich always wanted to go out. So you can imagine my joy when he stays in all day and still takes his naps without a fight.
One thing I have learnt about Mich is he likes to know whats going to happen, he works better when things are defined for him. Telling him what his day is going to be like makes him more agreeable, incase it slips his mind I get to remind him and then all is well.
In summary it's been a good week, God continues to smile on us, absolute Mercy and Grace from above.

Total Eclipse 2024

Total eclipse shot in Pennsylvania. Photo by Mary Ongwen You guys, this eclipse thing exhausted my head. It was in every second article on m...