Peace and quiet

This week has been amazingly low key if I say so my self, I didn't go anywhere, Mich and I stayed home.
I wouldn't consider the trips we made to the Hospital and dental school. They were more for farmiliarisation than anything else, just to know if they accepted our medical cover and what the procedure was to make an appointment. It turns out that the trips were not necessary because here most things get done on the phone or over the internet, but I was glad we went.
bOther than that we have been indoors, much of it has to do with the cool temperatures outside.

Mich has been a real good boy this week, my heart is full of gratitude to God. Every single day this week he has kept to his napping schedule without throwing a tantrum and that has given me much needed peace and quite to read up on stuff and watch some programmes on tv. Staying home all day was a story one time because Mich always wanted to go out. So you can imagine my joy when he stays in all day and still takes his naps without a fight.
One thing I have learnt about Mich is he likes to know whats going to happen, he works better when things are defined for him. Telling him what his day is going to be like makes him more agreeable, incase it slips his mind I get to remind him and then all is well.
In summary it's been a good week, God continues to smile on us, absolute Mercy and Grace from above.


  1. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Hi it's really exciting reading your escapades, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to only react to them only or also kinda write you mail! Advise.
    I'm afraid there's not much to report here apart from, Makerere students rioting and wandegeya has basically been closed for the last 3 days so you can imagine the traffic problems that come with that.
    At church we are preparing for cantata. We have just concluded the watoto confrence which was a great success,the choir did really well. In fact too well, that they seem pretty much burnt out, understandably. It's kinda difficult diving straight into the cantata preparations.
    Pastor Joshua and His wife were blessed with a baby boy, Gabriel, it was a close call again and it had to be a cesarian (hope I spelt that correct!) the baby's umbillical chord was wrapped round his neck and they had to go in for emergency sergery. But it all went well. Otherwise, it's exciting reading particularly about Mich and how you are so devoted to Him. I always cringe when at baby dedication, at KPC they make parents promise to read bible stories blah blah blah.. and wonder how many actually do that, but I feel you are doing it in a more practical way, and we are learing a lot from reading. So God bless you as you bless us. Greetings to the men in your life,
    Paul & Joc Matty


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