Dec 1, 2006

Favourite TV shows

I'm not that much of a TV fan but there are a few programmes that I wouldn't want to miss. Obviously the channels here are endless over 900 compared to WBS, UTV (I forget the new name)and LTV, the others didn't make it to my list or should I say they were not clear our side of Bukoto.

I watched "Dancing with the Stars" dancing/religiously, the show features celebrities getting on the dance floor with professional dance partners. The audience and judges decide who moves on to the next round. When I had just discovered the channel Jerry Springer was the clown of the day, seeing him dance the Rumba and Salsa was absolutely hilarious, he did it with a passion and I guess that's what kept him in for the next two rounds. Viva Fox was there too but unfortunately she didn't seem to please the judges much.
The final show was down to Emmit Smith a football player and Mario Lopez who I only remembered from Sunset beach. I was certainly a fan of Emmit's' because I thought his dancing was cool, he had smooth moves and was full of surprises. Mario was good too but I had a soft spot for Emmit, and it was not just because he is black.
In the final they were asked to master 3 dances, that was pretty intense and they all performed remarkably well, they got the same score. The ball was thrown to the audience and Emmit got the better of it, I was really happy about that. Can't wait to see who will be in the next batch.

Another programme I have been glued to is 'The Bachelor Rome"
bachelor/I guess it was more out of curiosity and romance than anything else. Prince Lorenzo is a handsome bachelor looking for his dream lady. Girls from all across America and Europe apply to go and live in Rome for a while, he gets to spend time with them together and individually then through elimination finds his princess. If he spent time with a girl and liked her she would get a rose, if she didn't she would pack her bags. Leaving twenty five girls (who all have their eyes on one guy) together for a few days is bad enough, months together?! you've got another thing coming. It gets really nasty no matter how beautiful they are. There is a lot of back stabbing, hypocrisy, crying, ganging up the whole nine yards. Slowly the girls drop off two by two until he is left with four. Now obviously at this point things are getting intimate, all the girls have fallen for Lorenzo and he is at the stage of finding out who is best suited for him. Dare I say it includes sleeping with him, and no one butts an eyelid, it's like expected except for one girl who has strong christian morals and says she is saving her self for marriage.
The Bachelor gets to meet the girls' families to get acquainted with them and every one is obviously at their best. There was one girl "Agnese" from France who hardly spoke English, unfortunately she was like the English pro in her family so they had a communication breakdown when Lorenzo went to visit, that was it for her. Another of the girls pulled a stunt of dressing in her wedding gown and that made the Prince freak out, he said good bye to her too. It was down to two girls and Lorenzo still couldn't make up his mind, he had Sadie (saving her self for marriage) on one hand and Jen on the other.
His Parents came to help him out, they met both girls and their parents, at some point it was all of them (parents, prospective in-laws, the girls, Lorenzo) in one room together, that was really weird. At the end Lorenzo's parents tell him the choice is his, he sheds some tears and finally decides it's Jen. I have been thinking, there are some eligible bachelors I know back home who probably need this to shake them up. On second thoughts it might not work because they would want to keep all twenty five ...that was intended to be a joke.

I have told you about my two favourites but as you may have noticed they have both ended, I will have to wait for the next season. In the mean time I have been watching "America's Next Top Model" americas-next-top-model it's got Tyra Banks as the lady behind it all. I watch this show to keep up with the trends and to dream about my size pre baby, now with a child in the picture and age catching up with me, things are tight. That aside I'm still amazed at how the competition is open to every one, married, single, with children, without, makes me wonder when UG will move on to "Mrs. Uganda" or " The Pearl of Africa".
Then again, it's common that the girls here get pregnant when they are 15, 16 and their bodies are able to snap back pretty fast. But as a single mom or whatever you've got to keep in mind that you won't see your babies and the father or fathers of your children for months on end because the process is pretty intense. Being America's top model has got to be all you live and breath for. Again putting all these pretty faces in a house for months is very revealing, they are only short of plucking each others eyes out.

The most exciting thing about these TV shows is you can count on them actually being there, no power cuts, no TV announcers coming in to tell us how "due to unavoidable circumstances" the programme will not show.

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