Apr 30, 2008


Yesterday was Sam's last day of class.
This evening I attended my last 2nd year partners' dinner.

There are a few more "lasts" to come, I will update you as we go along.

Apr 25, 2008


The first time I saw you, oh you looked so run down
And I had a feeling we'd never get a long
Philly, you came along and didn't impress me at all
Now our lives are intertwined but it won't be for long
When I go it's you that I'll miss
A place like this grows on you oh oh oh

Okay enough with stealing Lionel Richie's words. I 'll make up my own.


They say that you are the city of brotherly love, I don't know

When I first looked at you, it was clear to me that you had been through some pretty tough times
From your worn out buildings and crowded streets, I could tell you had seen better days

Your people - Aisha, Lakisha, Tanisha, Malcolm and little Sasha running around in the playground, mama keeping a close eye and belting out in her stern don't-make-me-come-there kind of voice if any of them strayed too far
Michael and Susan holding hands as they run to school while dad folds up the stroller and mom parks the car
Students every where, college students, graduate students, doctorate students, in University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, Drexel University all coming from near and far
The Italian who owns the most visited pizza joint, Ling's Chinese restaurant up the road and the Ethiopian restaurant a few blocks away
Coffee shops at almost every corner- "Star bucks", "Bucks county coffee", "The green line" never empty having dogs of all shapes and sizes tied to a poll outside while their masters catch up with friends, do some reading or just sip on their daily cup of coffee
The crazy man who is almost always drunk, talking real loud and known to stand in the middle of the road, daring on coming traffic
Sandals, tank tops, shorts, mini skirts, and rowdy beer parties
Boots, Jackets, Umbrellas, hoods, raincoats, and rowdy beer parties
All these things characterise you

Your chilly winters, cool yellowing autumn, blazing hot summers, soaking wet spring
That's the Philly I know.

It's amazing to think that even though you look worn out, you are America's birth place.
It was right here that the declaration of independence was signed in 1777.
It was right here that the American flag was designed
It was right here that the first almanac was printed in 1685
It was right here that the first brick house was erected in 1682
It was right here that Rocky was filmed
It was right here that Will Smith was born and raised
It was right here ...

Apr 23, 2008

Wrapping up

It's almost time to say bye to good ol' Philly.
In about two weeks, Sam will be through with Wharton, then comes graduation and what do you know? it will be over.

We'll soon be saying farewell to the Philly that I have grown to love, with it's run down buildings and unique people... I feel a poem coming on

Apr 20, 2008

Budo Fire

Last week, I read about the tragic fire that burned 19 children to death at Budo Junior. Oh how my heart sank. Every story I read (even as the details unfold) brings tears to my eyes. I think about the pain and desperate state of the parents.
How shocked, overwhelmed, and shattered they are, in a manner that no one can truly express. Losing a child, whether it's 2 days old, still in the womb, or even 50 years old is all the same. The memory of carrying this child for nine months, more or less, being blessed with the opportunity of seeing them grow, their laughter, their habits is ever so real, like it was yesterday.

I grieve with these parents because I have experienced similar pain. The feeling of absolute loss. Feeling like there's no reason to live another day.
The difference in my case is that I know God, I wonder if they do too. Who do they run to in a time such as this when no amount of consolation from friends, neighbours, sympathisers, relatives, strangers can even begin to soothe the ache in the soul?
I wish I could tell them, that there is hope even now, I know it sounds crazy but it's true.

I have found in Jesus the strength, the comfort, the understanding that no one and I mean no one could ever provide. Even though there are many relatives, friends and people who come to share in the grief. No one can fully comprehend the gravity of the pain that parents experience in a time like this, no one except God Himself. He knows more about us than we do about ourselves.
He experienced the greatest pain of all when He sent His ONLY son to die for us. He saw everything unfold, the peak of it all was when He couldn't look at His son because Jesus was covered with our sin.
Jesus just like these children was innocent and undeserving of such cruelty.
"All for love the Father gave".

He knows the pain.
He is the only one who can say "I know what you're going through", He is the only one who can say "It's gonna be alright" because He knows. It does not look that way now, we can not comprehend it now, it's absolutely overwhelming but He knows all. He knows their pain and He will see them through it all.
Saying that God allowed this tragedy to happen doesn't make sense to human mind but that is what I believe. I have learned Romans 8:28 to be true;
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

I know there are feelings of anger, of betrayal, of injustice, it's not wrong to feel this way but one thing I wish I could tell them is to give all their cares to Jesus and in time He will make this ugly experience one that brings a smile. I don't know how, but He will.

Apr 19, 2008

Obama Rally at Independence Mall

Looks like I'm getting swept into the presidential campaigns. I just noticed that my last post was also about Obama. It's the hot topic right now ...

Our friend Julian saved us some VIP tickets for the Obama rally at the Independence Mall. It was a very welcome idea. It's nice to be involved in the making of history.

At about 5:30, Sam, Mich, Eddie, Ham and I headed to Center City for the rally.
Lots and lots of people, the place was crowded, we didn't think we would make it in. But thankfully a few phone calls by Ham managed to get us into the thick line. There was no pushing and the line was moving along so we were able to get in about 6:30pm.

The crowd comprised of people from all walks of life, babies, grannies, students, toddlers name it, they were there.

We stood for about 3 hours just waiting for "the man" to show up. Every one was psyched, there was great music blasting from the speakers. People were dancing, singing along and talking to every one, it was like we were one big happy family.

Obviously the wait was long, some people decided to leave but the majority waited with a determination. I can't estimate the numbers that showed up, but they were thousands upon thousands as the pictures depict.

When Obama came up on stage, there were deafening screams from every corner, flashes going off every second from people trying to take pictures, it was a powerful moment.

His speech was fantastic and having it infront of the hall where the papers of the declaration of independence were signed was perfect.

For some reason, his speech and seeing the passion with which he spoke made me very emotional. I don't know how far he will go, or if Americans will vote for him, all I can say is, he is a man of substance.

Apr 14, 2008

Penn for Obama

The first thing Sam told me when I woke up this morning was that John Legend was putting up a show in Philly. For a second there I wondered if he had saidJohn Lennon or John Legend. Obviously it was Legend duh! it would have been kind of spooky if it had been the former.

I met Julian, a good friend of ours and one of Sam's classmates, he too told me about the show and reminded me that it was free. I thought why not. Picked Mich up from school and headed straight for the auditorium. There were only a few people waiting in line by the time we got there but it turns out we were early. Students started flocking in after a while. It was well organised, no pushing or "fixing people", every one stood in line and waited their turn to enter.

First on stage was Kal Penn telling us why we should vote for Obama. I thought he had an Indian accent judging from the movies he'd acted in but no, it's all American. Students were excited to see him but after a while they begun shuffling in their seats. That was a sign to say - "dude, it's nice to see you and all but can we now have the 'legend'?".
Kal went on to introduce the five time Grammy award winner - John Legend. Wooooow!!!

Students cheered real loud. Then some fat guy walked onto the stage, headed straight towards the keyboard and adjusted the microphone. For a second there everyone was like 'huh?!' but shortly after that Legend walked on, we cheered again.

I was so excited "it's him, it's him, it's Legend, he's here, he's for real, this is so cool!!" the only thing that was missing was my camera.
Mich on the other hand was bored, what was all the fuss about? A man walking onto the stage? At least if he was making funny faces or doing something interesting, he was just walking and people were cheering so hard? Spoosh!

He greeted us and said he was here to rally votes for Obama, encouraging us to vote for change. Without wasting time he sat down at the keyboard and played his first song. It was fantastic, his voice is crisp, clear and loud, it filled the entire auditorium. Every one was silent, listening intently.
I loved the way he played the keyboard, like it was his second nature, like the keys was part of him and him part of the keys. His voice blended very well with the notes he played, it was neat!

Mich fell asleep ( he'll probably kick himself in the foot when he is older and I tell him how he slept through a "free" John Legend concert).

After singing two songs he stopped to drink some water and the students cheered and clapped like that was the coolest thing, I mean he was just drinking water but... the life of celebs!. They can make you buy tooth paste with so much zeal, just because they said they use it.

Legend is an old boy of U Penn, so he was certainly the best Obama representative.

He played about 7 songs before it was all over and students had to go for lectures. We went out on "Ordinary people".

Apr 13, 2008

Spring is awesome!

It's the most wonderful time of the year.
New life, new hope, fresh zeal, all wrapped up in the beautiful flowers that speak of God's greatness.

I liked this one because it was just budding, I love the way the leaves are beginning to pop out.

Wharton International Cultural Show '08

WICS went very well.

Apr 9, 2008


So I go to pick Mich up from school today, I open the door and see one of my little friends - a girl who is as cute as a button. Her face lights up when I walk in the door, I give her a wide smile and wave.
Seconds later I notice one of the male teachers a few meters behind her waving back at me with a weird look on his face. Shoot!
I believe he thought I was smiling and waving at him but couldn't figure out why I was so happy. Anyway I immediately darted into the lunch room which, thank goodness was just where it needed to be.
I'm hoping he doesn't think I've gone crazy or something.

The scene keeps playing in my mind, clearly I'm not over it. I felt embarrassed but I can't explain that I was waving at my little friend, then again I don't need to, it was just awkward.

Apr 6, 2008

Busy weeks

I signed up to participate in the African dance for the Wharton International Cultural Show. Rehearsals have been on almost every other day.
I did a lot of sitting around for the most past of the winter, now all over a sudden I'm working out like there is no end in sight. My body (poor thing) must be going through shock, wondering what's going on.
With the first practices I was aching every where, now I just feel exhausted.
This should help me lose a few pounds. It doesn't help that the rest of the dancers are tiny, I'm like the big mama in the group. Other than that, it's fun interacting with Wharton students.
The function is later on today and I'm looking forward, I think it's gonna be lots of fun.

After this I have to tune my voice for a wedding on Saturday. That should be quite interesting, I haven't attended any serious functions for almost two years let alone an American wedding. I'm not quite sure what the dress code is, I might have to go look for something because my ward robe has been in the "stay home mom" mode. You know, faded jeans, sneakers and t-shirts, I'm not even sure what's "in" these days. It feels like I closed that chapter when I came here - how ironic.
Anyway, I have a rehearsal dinner on Friday and the wedding on Saturday. As if it's not hard enough finding suitable clothing for the wedding, I have to think of the rehearsal dinner too.

Meanwhile it's 2 o'clock in the morning and sleep is no where to be found. Shoosh!

Apr 1, 2008


What's in a dream?
It's a question I've been pondering.
Lately I've had some pretty intense dreams and I'm wondering what to make of them.

When I have good dreams I kind of hope they manifest, but when I have not-so-good ones I just want to forget that they happened.

For almost three consecutively nights I've dreamed and been able to recount most of the details. Dreaming in itselft is a stretch, or when I do I can't for the life of me remember what happened.

Friday night, I dreamed that I was doing a photo shoot with Denzel Washington. Mmm! not bad, not bad at all. We took the photos and that was it. I wasn't falling over myself about taking pictures with Denzel. But in another corner of my mind (maybe the part of me that was awake??) I was thinking "girl, you got it good, people would bend over backwards to have this opportunity". The "me" in the dream was very laid back, we took the photos and sat there waiting for I don't remember what. The "me" not exactly in the dream was saying "now is your chance to introduce yourself and get the conversation going", well I didn't do anything. Then Denzel said "hi, are you married?" and I responded "yes I am". He said he was married too and mentioned that he had 3 kids. The end.
Now, if that came true woo hoo!! I'd be glad.

Do you ever wonder how some people show up in your dreams?, people you never think of, "how on earth did this happen, and just what are you doing in my dreams?.

Saturday night, I dreamed that I was with a younger person who wanted to go swimming in the lake. I agreed but before I could finish the sentence, the person was already in the water. I don't quite recall who the person was but they had Mich's personality.

I called to them to come back and put on some protective gear but they were already splashing. As I watched, a crocodile appeared from under the water just in time to close it's jaws on the person. I was in utter shock and helpless, the person was in the crocodiles mouth, it was too late. The end.
Not good, not good at all.

Things seemed to get even more wierd.

Sunday night, I dreamed that I was looking after uncle John (those who know him, know him, those who don't, don't).
Anyway, Uncle John was sick - was on crutches and had partly lost his mind. Some body came to the house and put me at gun point, I have no idea what they wanted. Just when the guy was beginning to threaten me Uncle John came in and said "don't even think about it". I thought the gun man was going shoot both of us, then ... it ended.

As crazy as dreams are, they just end, sometimes before the story is actually over.

I don't know what to make of all this but I'm certainly praying for cover.

Total Eclipse 2024

Total eclipse shot in Pennsylvania. Photo by Mary Ongwen You guys, this eclipse thing exhausted my head. It was in every second article on m...