Oct 9, 2011

What not to say to an expecting mother

Her body is consumed with the details of creating a human being. As we celebrate her, we make careless statements without full awareness of their impact.

You have put on weight!” She knows and is probably not feeling too thrilled about it. A compliment on how good she looks is welcome but only if you mean it, otherwise just smile and wave.

You are still pregnant?!” If she wasn’t it would be obvious. She is exhausted, 9 months is a long time you know?! She can’t do much about it and she doesn’t need the added pressure, so be gracious and encourage her along.

Are you sure you are not having twins?” Simply because she has a specially extended tummy doesn’t mean there are several babies in there, babies sit differently in utero but if indeed she was having twins, whatabout??

You look like you are about to pop!” You can’t get more unkind. She might be a close friend who lets your jokes fly over but let’s not push it.

Don’t touch her tummy without permission. Pregnant women can be extremely irritable and sensitive and would appreciate the personal space.

So, tread softly.

When it’s all done, do not …

Focus on her flaws. Concentrate on the baby, direct your concern to whether she is healing well.

Tips on how to raise her child are welcome if she asks.


  1. Anonymous3:48 AM

    You forgot one.... "Are you going to eat all that".. I can go on and on about people who say mean stuff to pregnant women. Of course she will put on the weight get over it and lose yours coz you ain't pregnant. I am sure you know that i have had beef with insensitive people when i am with child... Actually someone once told me i am always pregnant!!!!!!!!! Hmmmmm

  2. petesmama3:19 AM

    @ Be Silent: Lol! Sorry, but I laughed first. Now I am sympathising. I should be pregnant at some point and I fully intend to fight for my rights!

  3. @Be Silent, Goodness!!
    Some friends?!!?


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