Aug 29, 2006

My life in the city of brotherly love

My life in the city of brotherly love

Hi People,

Greetings from 236 Buckingham place, philadelphia, PA. It was a loooooong journey, this morning Mich asked "Mummy you have brought me where?".
Its so hot here I miss home, Ug has the best weather you all know. As in the house is so hot that one can just put a cake in the baking container and leave it in the sitting room, it will bake alright. You know how in UG it gets cooler in the night?! well that doesnt happen here, its actually hotter in the night, no need for bed covers or even nighties. Explains the skimpy dress code Iam seeing, Sam just told me an old lady died of heat in her apartment, yeah its that bad.
Ok about the flight, lets just say when we were getting off the plane almost everybody wanted to see the little boy who couldnt stop crying. First we get into the duty free area at Entebbe and Mich sees a toy car, he insisted I get it for him, he was crying "Mummy I want a car", so under pressure I get it for him and what do you know, there was peace for a long while. We got on to the plane and he was all happy, then we are asked to put on our sit belts and the car has to be put away untill the plane takes off. All hell broke loose, he yells and screams the entire time untill he the plane takes off and we can get the car back, phew that was about all the adventure for the time. He begins to play with all the toys he has been given and later on falls asleep. That gave me some time to sleep as well and watch abit of tv. We got to heathrow at 4pm, by this time he really wanted to get out of the plane. We get off and move around for abit, first thing I had to do is find the gate where I would take the next flight. Big airport Heathrow, and everybody is rushing back and forth, luckily I had 2 hours before the next flight so by the time we get to gate 23 which is like 20 minutes away we have just enough time to look around and say hello to other little kids.
As soon as we board the plane, Mich says he wants to go outside, I mean this at the point where the annoucement is going off the sit down and fasten sit belts, I am explaining to him that we can't go out right now and we have to wait till the plane lands. Again, its all wailiing and tantrums, kicking and throwing himself on the ground, anyway I sit calmly and smile at all the passengers who turn around to see whats going on. I really wanted to get the slipper and beat the sillyness out of him, well there was no slipper nearby and I wanted to look collected, ofcourse I was saying "wait till we get out of here and I will show you who is boss", at this point I am getting people passing me toys, juice boxes, chocolate and I thought oh how nice but really embarassing. Anyway the plane finally takes off and within 5 minutes he is asleep. I figure he is really tired at this point because its about 8pm Ugandan time, he sleeps for about 5 hours and wow! the peace in the plane was great, everybody had forgotten about the little boy untill about 45 mins before we land, he wakes up and we have to do the whole sitbelt things again, he begins to cry saying he wants to go outside and and he doesnt want to put on the sit belt and then the ear pressure sets in. At this point the lady infront of me gives me a lolipop for him to suck on, I hear it helps with the pressure. Its a no no for sweets but this time I readily got the sweet and handed it to him, the things mums go through!. Well, it worked out just fine, the lolipop thing, what I found funny was he couldnt believe I was actually giving him a sweet, as for the chocolate, he just said "Mummy you eat" I think it was too good to be true, or maybe he thought it was a test.
Anyway we land at JFK Airport at 9pm, that is 2am Uganda time, now Mich story was he wanted to go back, " Mummy we go back", "Mummy we go home", people were just smiling at us. Anyway we go through immigrations easy, get finger prints and photograph taken and we are off. I get my baggage, a trolley and we get out to find yours truly Mr. O waiting for us. That was very nice, ofcourse I knew he would be there but you know... it was nice to see him and know that finally some one can help with Mich .
He had rented a van that took us all the way home, through New Jersey and and a few other places, unfortunately I was soo spent, my head was nodding with sleep I had no clue where we were. We reached home at 1am, that is like 7am Ug time or there about. So you can imagine what little Mich was going through, for the first time he was saying "Mummy we go and sleep", now thats rare coming from a fellow who doesnt want to sleep most of the time.
The apartment is nice, the buildings are really old but I couldn't complain. We had a guest for the night, a guy called Ham a Ugandan also going to study at Wharton. He got married afew weeks back to the V.P's daughter.

Anyway got to run, more later.

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