Jan 14, 2009


These past few weeks with Mich have been amazing. I can't get over how much he has grown and continues to grow. His statements never cease to tickle me, just like last night when he had a "eureka" moment.

Mich - "Mummy, I know why it takes long for God to give us the things we ask for"

me - "really, why?"

Mich - "because He is still making them. I asked Him for a cart and I haven't received it because God is still making it"

me - silence "wow!"

Mich - "He finishes them at the end of the year, around Christmas"

I was amused that he was covering for God and better still, He knows that God is faithful, when He takes long there has got to be a good reason.

His little brain soaks up information like a sponge, right now he is in the phase of creating theories to explain different phenomena.

He has a sense of humor, loves to tell jokes and catches them too, even when they are quite subtle.

Books are a big thing in his life right now.
He sleeps with books, he stays up late to read books, he wakes up in the middle of the night to read books. He even finds fascinating stuff in The Economist (I'm talking about the cartoon drawings).

We've got a genius on our hands I tell you, but there is one slight problem though. The little man thinks writing and learning how to read letters are one of mans' worst inventions. He gets splitting headaches, looks like he could pass out the next minute when you mention anything to do with writing.

It continues to be an issue of contention, I pray that God grants me wisdom on how to deal with it. It doesn't help that I meet children his age and younger who read, count and write with so much ease and eagerness.

I'm reminded that my "cup" is different. I'm certain he will read and write sometime in his life, when is a whole other issue - it's not for want of trying right?!.

We have been through the entire list; lectures, spanking, withholding, talking, name it.
Yesterday I was at my wits end, I explained to him what this was all about, tried to understand his point of view but at the end it wasn't so much that didn't want to write small "a" as it was I him not listening to me.

So we went on a different tangent, I realised I would be happier if he obeyed than if he actually wrote a prize winning essay.

"Obedience means to listen and obey, to willing do what you are asked to do". I made him repeat this statement over and over, then I told him the story of Adam and Eve, how they disobeyed and added the concept of repercussions. Along the way I was caught in my trucks when I felt like the Holy Spirit was saying, "what?" and I repeated "Obedience means to listen and obey, to willing do what you are asked to do".

That was the end of that, I coiled (in my mind) just thinking I was preaching to myself and the many times I have been disobedient.

Children cross examine parents, I got the real mirror effect.

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