Jan 10, 2008


Mich resumed preschool this week and this time round he was clinging on to me. He didn't seem too thrilled to be back. I thought this would wear off after the first day but he continued to insist that I stay with him. Strange.

I decided to pursue this behaviour further by asking him what he didn't like about school. He said "my friends at school don't want to play with me", I thought, how can that be? all the kids play together.
On my quest I spent a few extra minutes at the school after dropping him off just to see how he settled in and I saw what he meant. He is three and the kids who he would like to play with are a little older and much more aggressive than he is, so he doesn't quite fit there. The other kids are a little younger and so he doesn't seem to fit with them either. You would think, "kids are kids right? they can get on with other little people without any problem". Well, that doesn't seem to be the case here,I hope my eyes are not being clouded by the whole mother instinct thing.
He plays by himself, that gripped my heart and I begun to pray.

This evening when I was putting him to bed I suggested that we ask God for friends and then he said something I least expected. He said, "ask God to give me friends who have hands like mine".
My my!! I kept quiet because I didn't know how to respond to that. He is three years old and already having issues with colour?! That came as a surprise, I said the exact same words when we prayed because I don't quite know how to undo this idea in his little brain.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that Mich will find friends to play with.
    Are there none of his age? Perhaps you could make friends with the kids' mothers, and then organise regular 'playdates'?
    And about 'colour'... it will always be an issue in USA, although was not expecting it to start so young.


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