May 6, 2009

You stayed

When skirts twirled by
Tempting him like an ice cold coke on a hot summer day
Did you shut your eyes and turn away –
Pretending it never happened?

When money hit the bank - Ka ching! Ka ching!
And they swarmed his path, smiling ever so sweetly –
Unashamedly craving a piece of the pie,
Did you stand up and state your claim?
Reminding him of the vows you exchanged at the altar?

As the sun receded behind the horizon
And there was no sign of his return,
As his meals grew cold –
And you waited up, your eyelids drooping with sleep.
Did you wonder where he was?
Who engaged him into the wee hours of the night?

You lifted the hat off your head to shelter us from the rain
You peeled the sweater off your back to keep us warm
You slipped the shoes off your feet to protect ours from blisters
You lacked so we could have.

But tell me -

When the twirling skirts and so-called buddies vanished
And the bank recognized him no more
When strangers knocked on your door
Demanding to see their dad,
Did you think of leaving too?
Packing your bags and leaving too?

You are still here,
Gracefully giving, tendering, nurturing,
Faithfully keeping your vows.

You stayed.


To all the moms who are committed to their husbands and children even in the face of unfaithfulness.


  1. i like this
    you actually made me want to be a mom.
    How are you?

  2. Amen to all those mums

  3. petesmama2:23 AM

    I'm feeling this one. Very much.

  4. im feeling this one too..and that ka ching ka ching just leaped off the monitor

  5. Wow MO, that is deeeeep!

  6. Robyn - after trying my hand at poetry, I have more respect for you. It's not easy this thing. Otherwise I'm cool.

    Emrys - Amen and Amen

    Petesmama - you know these things

    Sleek - making me laugh as usual

    Ed - Thanks


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