Dec 30, 2006
Mich and I escorted Sam to the bus stop, we had already explained to him that daddy was going away for a while and he seemed to understand, but when the bus came I had to grab the young man because he was about to get on the bus too. He cried saying he wanted to go with daddy but I told him that wouldn't be possible, I would have loved to go too anyway. By the time we got back home he was over it, I on the other hand was just beginning to feel Sam's absence, I guess Mich could see it in my eyes, he said "mummy itsoke"!. He did a good job of cheering me up, although I noticed that he started to test his boundaries, something like "now that Dad is away do the rules get to be bent?". He wanted to play with the electrical stuff, see if he could stay up a little longer.... that got me a little upset but I think he got the point, nothing has changed.
We plan to spend tomorrow afternoon with our navigator friends, Brent and Dianne, then we will see what the New Year has to offer.
Dec 23, 2006
Crossing over
I'm enjoying these days of bliss when Sam is at home, the stress from school has subsided, exams are over (for now). Results are already coming back and so far things are looking okay, well at least he is not at the bottom. We are believing God for good performance overall and we have been praying. I found out that at Wharton one can't be too excited about getting 90% in an exam because you will discover that there are a whole lot of people who actually got 100%. Seeing as they are graded on the curve (grades depend on the performance of the class) that 90% might not be very good news. However I like Sam's attitude, he says he is here to learn, which he certainly is, and not to be on the Deans list. The Dean's list is not a bad idea but you might die trying, this school is not short of geniuses.
New years day is round the corner and this one time I'm not looking forward simply because it's going to be just Mich and I. Sam will be traveling to Spain to do some consultancy work, it's all part of his class studies, so nothing to be excited about. I mean it's going to be work and more work but visiting Spain should be fun, well he has got to make it fun.
That aside I'm asking myself, now that '06 is over what am I looking forward to in '07?, chill NYR's (New Year Resolutions), but what do I want to see happen in the New Year? What do I want God to do for me and through me? what do I want to achieve? what do I want to give my life and energy to this coming year?
Are you asking yourself the same thing?...
Hey!, don't stress it's just a question, I want to know if I've got company. If I'm not alone that's cool, if I'm alone it's still cool because I haven't got the answers anyway.
Dec 19, 2006
So this is Christmas ...
It's Christmas time, to some it's the snow and the cold outside that makes it time to cuddle in with loved ones. To others it's that time of year when family members come together and celebrate life, yet again to others ...
it's all about the christmas presents and Santa Claus.
Well Christmas is the time when I remember the birth of my Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ although I must admit I'm finding it hard to focus with all the fancy things around. The Christmas sales, songs about Rudolf the reindeer (where again does he feature in the birth of Jesus?), the rush to buy presents, get the Christmas tree and have it decorated, heck not just the Christmas tree but the house and I'm talking about the roof and the front yard here. I must admit it makes the mood merry and people are more pleasant with eachother, but why can't we be like this all year round? I'm not talking about the decorations but the cheerful spirits and kindness, that way we would have less wars and more hungry people fed. I wouldn't mind if we had sales all year long too.
Just check this out;
"But the angel said to them, ' Do not be afraid. ' I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you, he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10
And the powerful words of Simeon;
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for the glory of your people Israel" Luke 2:29 - 30
The tinsle,lights, and presents are nice but the real gift is ... JESUS!!
Dec 17, 2006
On Friday I attended a get together for the WWW'07 committee, that is Wharton Welcome Weekend. Every year the school organises a weekend where students who have just been admitted can come and tour the school and the areas surrounding it, inquire about accommodations and things of that nature. The committee comprises of mainly current students and partners, I'm in for the partners and kids bit of things. We are basically there to encourage students with partners and kids to come along with them, we share a few experiences and tell them about schools for children and other activities they can get involved in.
Anyway so I go for this get together and have absolutely no one to talk to, my buddies hadn't shown up and I hardly knew any of the other people. It was in a bar so I figured I would ask for a drink at the counter while I looked around. Then I saw Carol, the girl who helps babysit Mich and other kids while we are in cell group. We talked for a bit and I found out that she works there part time, I thought great, "can you recommend a drink" because quite frankly I had no clue what was being sold, but I thought "she is a christian she will know what "soft drink" is out there" (mistake no.1).
She was very excited to help and immediately said I try the something something apple, I thought that sounded cool if the name was anything to go by. I made the order and attendant handed me the drink, then I asked how much it was (mistake no.2), I should have asked before making the order, she said it was $11 dollars, I was shocked!, speechless!, the bar attendant was too busy to wait for me to go through all the emotions so she moved on. I got the impression she was saying please don't waste my time, you ordered for the drink, now give me the money because I don't have all day, and for sure it was a busy evening. I painfully pulled out the money, handed it to her and walked off with my drink. It was sweet with an apple taste to it, I emptied the glass but somehow I failed to hit it off with the crowd so I decided to go and browse in the book store next door. Woow!!! not long after that I felt like the back of my head had been hit with a ton of bricks, yaayi!!! that was bad!. I started feeling woozy and thought I was about to pass out, I thought if I stood still for a few minutes the feeling would go, aah... not working.
I drunk some water and that made me feel a little better, after a while I decided it was time to head home. I got there safely and narrated the ordeal to Sam, who felt for his adventurous wife but advised me to stick with the straight and narrow.
Dec 14, 2006
The keys,... again
Mr.O was very unhappy with me and by the way he doesn't get this way very often, this time I think I really pushed it. Ok, so it isn't the first time I'm loosing them, nor is it the second, clearly he's had enough of that.
This afternoon I was given very serious instructions, go to the bank withdraw some money, get a new pair of keys cut and get a key-holder with a whistle, so that when the keys get misplaced we can just ... you guessed right, we can just whistle. I felt really terrible about the whole ordeal and sheepishly walked out the door with my tail between my legs, literally. On the other hand I was happy to walk out for a bit, kind of reminded me of the time we all brought bad reports home from school, my dad was upset and said we would have to go by train to the village as our punishment. I had mixed feelings, part of me was sorry I didn't do well but the other part was real excited about taking the train.
Anyway my first stop was the key cutter to find out how much it would cost, well it was about 2 dollars for both keys pssshhh!, I paid and had them done in a minute. The next thing was looking for a shop that had the key holders, wasn't very successful on that one. I went to the bank because I kind of figured Sam needed the money anyway, so withdrew some money. Around the corner from the bank is the Penn bookstore so I thought I would check in to see if they had the key holders. I found that they were serving hot chocolate and cookies at the entrance, that put a smile on my face but first I had to make sure it was free. I studied the people who were in the cue and noticed no one was paying for anything, yipeeee!!! I quickly got in line and served myself a hot cup of chocolate and a cookie. I didn't want to look too excited lest someone tapped me on the shoulder or called me back to put in my dimes. As I walked away it was pure joy in my heart God knew I needed that cup considering how cold it was outside.
I'm still looking for that specific key holder.
Dec 1, 2006
Favourite TV shows
I watched "Dancing with the Stars" dancing/religiously, the show features celebrities getting on the dance floor with professional dance partners. The audience and judges decide who moves on to the next round. When I had just discovered the channel Jerry Springer was the clown of the day, seeing him dance the Rumba and Salsa was absolutely hilarious, he did it with a passion and I guess that's what kept him in for the next two rounds. Viva Fox was there too but unfortunately she didn't seem to please the judges much.
The final show was down to Emmit Smith a football player and Mario Lopez who I only remembered from Sunset beach. I was certainly a fan of Emmit's' because I thought his dancing was cool, he had smooth moves and was full of surprises. Mario was good too but I had a soft spot for Emmit, and it was not just because he is black.
In the final they were asked to master 3 dances, that was pretty intense and they all performed remarkably well, they got the same score. The ball was thrown to the audience and Emmit got the better of it, I was really happy about that. Can't wait to see who will be in the next batch.
Another programme I have been glued to is 'The Bachelor Rome"
bachelor/I guess it was more out of curiosity and romance than anything else. Prince Lorenzo is a handsome bachelor looking for his dream lady. Girls from all across America and Europe apply to go and live in Rome for a while, he gets to spend time with them together and individually then through elimination finds his princess. If he spent time with a girl and liked her she would get a rose, if she didn't she would pack her bags. Leaving twenty five girls (who all have their eyes on one guy) together for a few days is bad enough, months together?! you've got another thing coming. It gets really nasty no matter how beautiful they are. There is a lot of back stabbing, hypocrisy, crying, ganging up the whole nine yards. Slowly the girls drop off two by two until he is left with four. Now obviously at this point things are getting intimate, all the girls have fallen for Lorenzo and he is at the stage of finding out who is best suited for him. Dare I say it includes sleeping with him, and no one butts an eyelid, it's like expected except for one girl who has strong christian morals and says she is saving her self for marriage.
The Bachelor gets to meet the girls' families to get acquainted with them and every one is obviously at their best. There was one girl "Agnese" from France who hardly spoke English, unfortunately she was like the English pro in her family so they had a communication breakdown when Lorenzo went to visit, that was it for her. Another of the girls pulled a stunt of dressing in her wedding gown and that made the Prince freak out, he said good bye to her too. It was down to two girls and Lorenzo still couldn't make up his mind, he had Sadie (saving her self for marriage) on one hand and Jen on the other.
His Parents came to help him out, they met both girls and their parents, at some point it was all of them (parents, prospective in-laws, the girls, Lorenzo) in one room together, that was really weird. At the end Lorenzo's parents tell him the choice is his, he sheds some tears and finally decides it's Jen. I have been thinking, there are some eligible bachelors I know back home who probably need this to shake them up. On second thoughts it might not work because they would want to keep all twenty five ...that was intended to be a joke.
I have told you about my two favourites but as you may have noticed they have both ended, I will have to wait for the next season. In the mean time I have been watching "America's Next Top Model" americas-next-top-model it's got Tyra Banks as the lady behind it all. I watch this show to keep up with the trends and to dream about my size pre baby, now with a child in the picture and age catching up with me, things are tight. That aside I'm still amazed at how the competition is open to every one, married, single, with children, without, makes me wonder when UG will move on to "Mrs. Uganda" or " The Pearl of Africa".
Then again, it's common that the girls here get pregnant when they are 15, 16 and their bodies are able to snap back pretty fast. But as a single mom or whatever you've got to keep in mind that you won't see your babies and the father or fathers of your children for months on end because the process is pretty intense. Being America's top model has got to be all you live and breath for. Again putting all these pretty faces in a house for months is very revealing, they are only short of plucking each others eyes out.
The most exciting thing about these TV shows is you can count on them actually being there, no power cuts, no TV announcers coming in to tell us how "due to unavoidable circumstances" the programme will not show.
Nov 30, 2006
Bowling with Cohort E

This was my second time to go bowling and I'm beginning to think I should have taken it on as my sport, it's not too late right?! I got there and found Sam was playing with two other guys who were bowling gurus' after a while he asked me to play in his turn and I was striking helplessly, (striking means hitting all pins at once), so I managed to raise our grades. Some two other girls joined in and that made things so much easier for me, half the time their balls ended in the alley.
Bowling is fun, I had even more fun knowing that I was rubbing shoulders with these extremely brilliant people and I was able to catch a bit of attention. I was just thinking to my self, I might not be as extremely brilliant but it's cool to know that I can compete in another area.
Mich had a wonderful time, fortunately the balls were about as heavy as he was so we didn't have mistakes of people being hit. Everybody loved him, at some point he was bar attendant, at another he was on someones shoulders, dancing, laughing just being the blessing that he is.
Nov 28, 2006
Thanks Giving
We had a union of friends away from home (Uganda) and I met new and fun people.

Mich and I were scheduled to take the midday Greyhound bus to DC but we were only able to leave home at 11am, I thought that would be good enough time to get t o the station. Only I had forgotten how slow the bus from home tends to be sot by the time we were nearing the Greyhound station I was almost breaking out in sweat because it was 10 minutes to midday. By the time we got off the bus It was drizzling and then Mich started acting up, I had two pieces of luggage. At this point my mind is racing because we are almost late and I'm not sure how far the station is, meanwhile Mich wants me to carry him. I couldn't believe it! I explained to him that we were running late and that I had two other pieces of luggage so I couldn't carry him but he was not having any of that. He begun throwing a tantrum and crying so I stood for a bit wondering how to carry him and all my luggage. Just then a gentle man who saw my dilemma walked up and offered to help, asked me where I was going and picked up my bags, that was definitely an angel sent by God. I picked Mich up and we walked to the bus station, he was still a bit cranky but not as much as before. The guy got me to the station helped me get in line and asked if he could buy Mich something to eat, I was more than glad. When he got back he handed Mich some cookies and told him to be a good boy, I was still dazed at this gentleman's kindness, I kept saying thank you, I should have asked him for his name but I didn't think about it then. I was too glad that we had arrived at the station and that he offered to help. Meanwhile the station was extremely crowded, every body was traveling some where for thanksgiving so it was a crazy mess. Long and short of this, we got on to the bus at 1:15pm and got to DC at 4:00pm. Sam had classes that morning so he came a little later.
After a little while Mercy and Moses came to pick us up and we spent much of the evening at their home. Sam came in three hours later, it was certainly nice to all be together. Julie and Aiinza her six weeks old baby were already there all the way from Ohio so it was a great reunion. We had wonderful fellowship and great food before we went off to sleep. Mercy had organised for Sam, Mich and I to sleep at one of her friends apartments, that was great, we had not met before so it was nice to know that this lady (Brenda) was happy to open her home to strangers. Turned out that Brenda is a very close friend to one of my colleagues in the Bank and she had told me about her (its a small world) so it was beautiful every way.
I haven't eaten as much as I did over this thanksgiving period, Mercy and our host spoiled us silly. We had heavy branch every single day, watched a movie, went out on the town, did some shopping and had catching up time too.
On the day of Thanksgiving, Mercy and Moses had been invited to a friends place for dinner, they explained that they would come for a short while because they were hosting friends. Mercy's friend Al said no problem let them come too, the more the merrier, even after she had said it was going to be seven of us, he was good with it. So we all packed ourselves in the car and went over, it was absolutely fun, Al and his wife Cecilia and their daughter Nicole are from Bolivia so we certainly had lots of questions about culture, beliefs, way of life the whole works.
The next day we had a potluck dinner with members of cell group and again it was nice to meet people I hadn't seen in a while and we celebrated knowing Christ as Lord of our lives.
On Sunday morning we visited the Niwes' church and danced "Sing out" just before the sermon, it was lovely and people were excited to have us there.

We got on the bus that afternoon and headed back to good ol Philly.
Nov 20, 2006
Independence Hall
The site was flooded with a constant flow of tourists, my group consisted of about 35 people. Before we could start ogling around we were given a brief run down of the events that took place here.
As the tour guide wrapped up he asked from where we had travelled- Ohio, Denver, Colorado e.t.c, when I said Uganda I nearly got a standing ovation. They probably thought I had come all the way just for this, I simply basked in their amazement.
As usual I was with my buddy Mich who was quite at home moving around probably wondering why people were walking in and out of rooms.
Our first stop the “Congress Hall”.
Then Mich tells me he needs to go to the rest room, there couldn't have been worse timing. I started looking around to see where we could go, then I saw an officer at the door and asked him, to my horror he said there was none in the building, he then went on to explain how if we went out we couldn't come back in until the next group was due, like in another 45 minutes.
I’m thinking that will not work.
He very slowly describes directions to the nearest conveniences, by this time Mich is wriggling and saying he has to go but the dude is not letting us out. Then he motions me take a look at a room, so I’m thinking okay, may be there is a loo in here, well there wasn’t, he was showing me the Supreme Court Chamber, aaaahhhh!!!!!
The details of what transpired after that are for another day.
But what sent chills down my spine is the manner with which this building and it's artifacts were held so much reverence.
The table clothes, the pens, the books, the furniture, the guns all intact and made to appear as though the guys had just walked out for a break from signing the constitution. That takes some serious patriotism. My dear Ugandans can we even try to fathom this?
After that we went to see the Liberty bell which is an International symbol of freedom, it hung in the State House in 1753 and summoned the Pennsylvania Assembly to debate the Stamp Act and other burdensome actions by the British Parliament.
All this history and preservation of sites has a very powerful effect on me.
Its cold
This past weekend has been a beautiful one, Sam was able to stay home, and that was nice. It was more than nice, it was spot on because Mich and I didn't see eye to eye, he made me so extremely mad that I needed someone else to handle him for a while lest I do something real crazy. For some reason he keeps forgetting where the restrooms are and seemed to be unlearning his potty training. I was not happy at all, even after we sat down and talked about the ordeal it would happen again. I realised that I was half upset because I had to do laundry more often than I had planned and I was low on money. It really takes God to raise a child the right way and His wisdom to know how to train and discipline. I realise I use Michs' mishapps to vent our frustrations which is not right, okey so he made a mistake but how grave should the punishment be? I have to keep reminding myself that he is only 2 years old.
We spent Saturday evening visiting with Felix and Candy Okoboi, it was absolutely great. Felix is finishing his second year and Candy just came over from Uganda with their two kids. I have never seen Mich play so hard like he did that night, as soon as we got there he set it off with the girls. They played, laughed, ate together, it was amazing. The sad moment was when we had to leave, the girls were close to tears but they really had a good nights sleep that's for sure.
Felix found out that he comes from the same village as my mom and that Sam also went to Buddo. More to that, Sam and Felix discovered they were both sci fi freaks, while Candy and I were more in to romance and real life occurences, that was fun.
Thanksgiving is round the corner and I'm looking forward, we had a kids club thanksgiving party last week. The kids had a wonderful time pinning feathers on the Turkey (not a real turkey but pictures)while the adults took some time to talk. I was able to carry on some real good conversations with a few moms and that made my evening. Come Wednesday Sam, Mich and I will be heading to Washington DC to give thanks with friends.I think every nation should celebrate Thankgiving because it's only reasonable to thank God for all the things He has done for us.
Nov 12, 2006
The keys
Basically Mich and I turned the house upside down and couldn't find the keys, I was worked up but trying to be calm, he was worked up and begun to cry, well first he told me he was scared and I assured him there was nothing to be scared about, we would find the keys. Obviously he was upset, but the one thing that kept me going was the music that was playing on TV. It was just as if they had decided to play all my favourite worship songs, so even though we were absolutely late for church I had my time at home.
At some point I decided to just sit down and relax then Mich came and asked me for a hug, so we sat there just rocking back and forth when I remembered who I last saw with the keys and where he had put them. No prizes for guessing who had last handled the keys but as for where he had put them I would give a trophy. The keys were inside the study lamp, when I say inside I actually mean inside, Mich managed to push them up the opening of the lamp and they were stuck there. I was only able to see them from the angle that we were sitted. By this time service was definitely almost over but Mich insisted that he wanted to go to sunday school.
We got to church just as the service was about to end and Mich was not exactly very friendly because of our earlier ordeal, he was blaming himself. Long and short it wasn't a good idea to go to church, he was crunky, didn't want people to look at him or ask him how he was. He spilled water, was running through the church crying at the top of his voice, even Pastor Brad couldn't catchup with him, he threw tantrums, wet his pants, need I say more??
I was absolutely embarrassed beyond words, I was obviously very upset with him so we came home immediately. We had a small discussion in his room and now he is sleeping, thus I get some peace and quiet to blog.
Nov 8, 2006
Jingle Bells?
Remember we have not celebrated Thanksgiving yet, maybe that's how we get to call it the festive season.
I doubt that the Wharton fellas are looking forward to these holidays as much or maybe they are looking forward more than anyone else in the world. A bit of a break from their crazy schedules would be welcomed with open arms. There is a student who is breaking under the pressure, I got to read some thoughts that she had put down and honestly she is going through much. A part from crying every single day and feeling like professors in Wharton are sadist, she left the love of her life in another city and can't remember why she came to school in the first place. Do we still have people out there wanting to do an MBA?!
Sam tells me how he struggles to stay awake in his classes and how he is obviously not the only one. The other day he went for a conference and one of the students who was obviously very spent sat in the chair and slept through the talk.
Some people look like they are in a daze, they are looking at you but are not exactly seeing you. People have to be persuaded to go for parties and free food, I read an email from the guy in charge of the social events for the African American Mens Association and he was complaining that none of the first years is attending the get togethers. He has resorted to enticing them with prior info that he is inviting the under grad girls, lets see if that works.
Nov 5, 2006
Peace and quiet
I wouldn't consider the trips we made to the Hospital and dental school. They were more for farmiliarisation than anything else, just to know if they accepted our medical cover and what the procedure was to make an appointment. It turns out that the trips were not necessary because here most things get done on the phone or over the internet, but I was glad we went.
bOther than that we have been indoors, much of it has to do with the cool temperatures outside.
Mich has been a real good boy this week, my heart is full of gratitude to God. Every single day this week he has kept to his napping schedule without throwing a tantrum and that has given me much needed peace and quite to read up on stuff and watch some programmes on tv. Staying home all day was a story one time because Mich always wanted to go out. So you can imagine my joy when he stays in all day and still takes his naps without a fight.
One thing I have learnt about Mich is he likes to know whats going to happen, he works better when things are defined for him. Telling him what his day is going to be like makes him more agreeable, incase it slips his mind I get to remind him and then all is well.
In summary it's been a good week, God continues to smile on us, absolute Mercy and Grace from above.
Oct 22, 2006
Retirement home
I met quite a few grandma's, some were still very fun and stylish while others were a little grampy.
It was organised so that the international students could spend sometime with the old ladies and share a little bit about their country.
We had internationals from Taiwan, Japan, Ukraine,China and Liberia. I was given a slot to talk about Uganda and I thought that was tough, I have taken for granted the things that happen at home, somehow I got so used to seeing things a certain way that it became normal. Maybe that sounds a little silly considering that I have been away from home for a while and noticed the differences in culture and style. Never the less I planned out a few of the things I thought I would mention and waited for my turn. This is when Mich gets restless, he starts running up and down the corridor while some one was giving a speech and that was very disruptive, I tried to talk him out of it but he just wasn't listening. Then he run up to the Piano and the blood rushed out of my head, I almost broke out in sweat praying that he wouldn't play any keys. Well he pressed a few keys but God certainly heard my prayer because it didn't sound. I pick him up and carried him out of the room for a one on one session and he is shaking and screaming. Not long before that I saw one of the old ladies give me this look of "get a hold of your little boy and do something with him because quite frankly he is really making me mad". Oh my! that look sent chills down my spine then she seemed to say something under her breath. Granma's are the last people you want to upset, I have so much respect for them, I also know that they are special people in God's eyes and their prayers are powerful, so really there was a lot to deal with. Not forgetting the fact that I'm still feeling "new" in the place and not quite sure how they would react to me.
Mich and I had a good talk outside, a few tears where shade but by the time we were heading back to the room we had set the record straight. It was now my turn to talk and I still wasn't over Mich's behaviour, I was embarrased and flushed, thankfully being as dark skinned as I am it didn't show. My speech was very sketchy, I had a lot of random thoughts. I started by introducing myself, what I was doing in Philly and apologized for Mich's crazy behaviour. Then I talked about how green Uganda is (the pearl of Africa), how we are very community oriented (it takes a village to raise a child mentality), I don't know how that came up but I guess it had something to do with Mich. I talked about our means of transport, my family and that was it, my mind was blank, terrible situation to be I tell you. At question time I was asked what holidays we celebrated and I could only remember five. Later on, talking to Brent and Diane they said I did a great job, I thought they were just being nice but I guess if they said so it wasn't so bad, I was just overwhelmed at how thrown off I felt.
After the session we had a time to give out some goodies to the granmas' and take a few pictures.
Oct 20, 2006
Poison Ivy??
Poison Ivy is a very dangerous plant that has some kind of sap that is poisonous and if you get in contact with it you are basically in big trouble. It causes a very itchy rash, swellings on the body, sometimes a fever and it takes a week or so to cure. He had some of the symptoms, the itching and a little bit of swelling over the areas he scratched but there were no cuts or open sores. Before I knew it he had taken off all his clothes and was scratching himself all over. I told Sam about it and he suggested I buy hydro-cortisone from the pharmacy, it helps cool down the itching. I got it and smeared it all over Mich's body, it would be very itchy and then after a while he would forget about it and play. At some point during the itching he said "mummy, I'm not well", I agreed and explained to him what I thought had happened and what the cream was for, then he asked "how about crying?". In the midst of this I couldn't help but laugh, I told him that this time crying might not help much. I prayed over him very fervently, I prayed that it wasn't poison ivy and asked God to heal him knowing that God is the doctor of all doctors.
I thought if this was poison ivy it would be important to take all that he was putting on and wash it in order to prevent further contamination only I couldn't find his pants.
We spent the night together, I tried to console him, help him scratch and put some more cream on him in the middle of the night. Things got better and he slept. In the morning I asked him how he was feeling and he said he was fine and that he had scratched the sickness away. I didn't want to take chances thought, I mean I still wasn't sure if it was poison ivy or not so I called up one of my friends and she gave me some very useful insights, what cream is best recommended, the number of the university hospital and also the number of her paediatrician. While Mich seems fine now I certainly have to sort out my medical coverage and get him to see a doctor not just for this time but whenever something else comes up. Would you call that a mixture of faith and works?
By the way I found his pants today in the most weird place, in his toilet bowl. I think he wanted to get rid of them, hmmm!
I'm so unfit
I was glad that people on the streets were minding their own business and no one was staring or whistling at me. Back home it was very easy to get intimidated, the areas that one could jog through with ease were limited, there were always idlers standing by the road amazed at the fact that a woman was jogging. At times guys would whistle, call you names or in more hillarious circumstances jog along for a few metres. If you are like me, you chill the jogging and try dieting or just resign and let the love handles pile on.
Anyway by the time I got back I was really feeling energised, I had only run for 30 minutes and yet it felt like I had been on a marathon. After taking a bath, I felt refreshed and rejunivated, it was worth it all, even my brain was more alert. I guess thats why it's recommended to jog early in the morning. You have amazing energy after a work out, if you are working and have a presentation, you would leave your colleagues awed with your ideas. If you are a stay home mom like me then your little ones would be exhausted by the end of the morning seeing as they wouldn't be able to out do you. I hope I can do this on a regular basis.
Oct 18, 2006
Linvilla Orchards
It was quite a busy day today, the kids club organised a trip to the Linvilla Orchards.
It's a 300-acre farm dedicated to agriculture,
entertainment and education, it's a farm market, bakery and pumpkinland.
Certainly lots of fun for kids, it has lots of interesting sceneries, scare crows, legends about the harvest season and many stories about pumpkins and apples.
The people at the farm tell the children how the different crops are grown and processed. It's got apples, berries, pumpkins,peaches, maize, tomatoes, figs to name but a few. For the first time I got to know that apples had names. I had only known them by their colours green, red and gold.
We also took a hayride through the fields and orchards.
I was so excited by all the things I was seeing, at some point I put down my bag and forgot it there. I remembered a while later that I had actually come with a bag, I certainly panicked. I run round the pumpkins hoping to find my bag where I had left it but it was gone. Then my friend suggested that we check with the shop near by and for sure it was there. Some one had picked it and taken it to them hoping the owner would go and claim it. Is that cool or what?! I certainly know in UG the bag and all it's contents would be history.
Oct 16, 2006
Mich at the Zoo

We visited the Philadelphia Zoo, it was so much fun and learning for both of us. I'm glad I took Mich, now he knows the names of animals just by looking at them and by the sounds that they make.
My personal favourite was the Lion, talk about being in charge, having self confidence and knowing that he looks good.

It was all good
Cell group was great too, it was certainly larger this time, from about 8 to 13 that meant the number of children increased too. The first meeting had Mich and Ian, this time round it was Mich, Ian, Elizabeth,Andrew and 2 babies. There was absolute chaos at the beginning, I think they were shocked to see all the other little faces on what they considered their turf. There was lots of pulling of toys, pushing, and crying to say the least. What made it worse was the fact that they were all meant to play together in a small room. So while the adults settled down to study we could hear wails on the other side, I felt for the baby sitter. Everytime one of the parents went in to console their little one the crying increased. I thought this wasn't going to work but what do you know?, after a while they calmed down and played together so by the time cell was through none of them wanted to leave.
Oct 15, 2006
Asterix in Marketing??
I haven't told you about our wierd neighbour, well lets just say we never see him during day time. The front part of his house looks desolate, a passerby would probably conclude that no one lives there except for his very hairy cat that is always sitting and sleeping on the front porch. At 1am in the morning, we hear him watering his plants, his garden is outside our bedroom window. You can imagine the startle I used to get hearing noises outside and when I looked I would see his white hair, that was scary until I got used.
Oct 11, 2006
Recruiting on campus
It's kinda two way, on the one hand the companies are beckoning them to come work for them and on the other hand the students are not only checking them out but also making their interests known. Those who know what industry and company they want have the task of leaving a lasting impression on the recruiters so that when the summer internships draw near you don't have to be introducing yourself. There were over sixty companies that came to the campus and it was a hard enough task scheduling the sessions into their already busy time tables. One certainly couldn't go for all sixty sessions but still had the pressure of chosing which ones to attend.
Oct 10, 2006
Worship team meeting
Evan, the worship leader was dealing with a new group, we had not worked together before so it was a nice time of getting to know each other.
I appreciated his style, we had an ice breaker and then did an exercise, he played a song we were all familiar with and asked us to listen out for the different instruments and how they were being played at various points. We listened for the drums and on my chat I was indicating "loud", "soft" and "roll" well at least that's how they sounded to me. At the time of discussion guys were talking about "the snare", "High hat", "kick", "crash" and "cow bells" eeh! I was thinking wow!
A little bit of background, as we had dinner I found out that Evans older brother played for one of the top professional bands in Hong Kong. Evan plays the guitar, Melissa plays the piano and violin, Greta tried the piano at some point but eventually settled for vocals. What about you Mary? hehehe uuh nothing.
So you can imagine how my little head was spinning when guys where pulling out all these heavy words. But that's all beside the point, what I was saying is I learned how to appreciate music as a whole, its richness is not only in the lead vocals but with the bass, the violin, the background vocals, acoustic guitar and others all combined. If one or more of these musical instruments is missing, a good musician will feel it.
The rehearsal went on for about two hours, at some point I begun to feel really fatigued and needed to rest. I got a real bad headache as I waited for the bus, by the time I got home it was more intense than ever.
By the way as I waited for the bus, a guy walked up to me and asked me whether I knew where he could buy a beer or wine, I just shook my head and he got the point. I mean we are in the middle of a busy part of the city, right across from where I stood was a bar. The guy was standing right next to the bar, there was lots of music, deem lights, people laughing loud the whole works. He crosses the street to ask me where he can buy a beer or wine?? Anyway I had problems of my own, as soon as I reached home I went straight to bed. Sadly the pain kept on a steady all through the night, I could barely lift my head off the pillow. At 6am Sunday morning, it felt like I had been hit with a heavy brick, I was not going to church however much I wanted to. I had to send a message to say that I couldn't make it.
Oct 6, 2006
Cell group
The meeting was scheduled for 6:30pm and I got there about 6:50pm, apparently I was early because I found the leaders having dinner. That is one thing I need to adjust in my schedule, having dinner early. Back home Sam and I had dinner at 9pm and it was good time for us, here we get invited to dinners at 5pm, by 8:30 - 9pm I'm twidling my fingers and thinking of another snack.
Mich and I had just had evening tea so we were not particularly hungry at this point. People begun to show up and we later found out they had all had dinner before coming.
The cell agenda was pretty much the same as in KPC, here it was referred to as "wwww" welcome, worship, word and work (prayer and involvement in the community.
As we fellowshiped the intimacy of sharing the same faith became so real. Putting aside all the adjustments of moving to a new place, the joy of singing the same songs and worshiping one God made me see life in a whole new perspective. I realised more that in the big puzzle of life, we must always recognise Jesus as the master piece, once you find Him and put Him in His rightful place, then the rest of the puzzle will come together. Even though I was meeting some of these people for the very first time, it felt like one big family.
As we introduced ourselves we were asked to mention our favourite icecream flavour and why. When it was Mike's turn he said "my name is Mike and I get beaten up once every year". We were all silent waiting for him to continue and in my mind I thought either he was cracking a joke or that was the way he described his profession. It turned out that he had been beaten by an unknown gang the previous night on his way home. That was sad and scary that people would just beat someone up for no reason, they didn't want anything from him.
The emptiness in the lives of the youth growing up in west philly seems to cause bitterness, anger and rage in their lives that they want to let it out on innocent people. That was certainly another eye opener to one of the major prayer needs here. At the end of the fellowship we prayed for him and his wife and other needs represented in the fellowship. We were also able to get a nice young lady to babysit while we had the meeting and that worked out wonderfully.
Dance auditions
On Tuesday I auditioned for the Wharton Dance Studio, that stages a dance show for the school every year. I found three moms who got there before me, their babies strapped in strollers and I gladly added Mich to the bunch, they looked cute. Obviously Mich is not the kind to sit there while music is playing so he jumped out and was running all over the place, doing his own moves and making people laugh.
Everybody was assigned a number and we registered our names and email addresses. We stood in four rows, there was over 30 of us. The lady in charge taught us some moves and asked us to follow along with the music, I enjoyed that alot. The song we danced to was done by Fox, something like "she gives me money...." it was obviously not christian but I certainly smiled when I saw David pulling sophisticated moves in one corner. David can be compared to "the papa" of the Wharton fellowship.
There were two other ladies who seemed to watch and take notes, I believe they were noting who had potential and who didn't.
I had signed up for hiphop, salsa and lyrical, I dropped off the lyrical when I discovered it was pretty much like ballet and that is certainly not my thing. The salsa was fantastic, I really enjoyed it even though my bones were not making the smooth moves. I sincerely hope I got on to the list because I was dancing next to pros which definately made me look amatuer to say the least.
Oct 2, 2006
Nigeria's Independence - Party

Yesterday Sam and I were invited to celebrate Nigeria’s Independence with a party held by the Nigerians'at Wharton and hosted by Tolu.
Yeee! Another excuse for a party.
We got there an hour late because Mich had to take his nap but we were pretty much in good time, people had just begun to arrive, you know us and time keeping.
The lobby to Tolu’s apartment was pretty raw, it looked like construction was still going on, the cement had not been smoothed out and no final touches had been made. You could actually smell the cement as you walked in.
I concluded that he was in a hurry to move in and couldn’t quite find another apartment so he settled for this. We took the elevator to his apartment, yet again something really strange, the lifts were open until people stepped in. That was weird because it has always been the reverse, the lifts are closed until you press the button to use it.
We went three floors up but man! That was one of the most scary lifts, one side was made of just glass, so you could see everything outside, the cars, the roads, the buildings, got my stomach tied in notes.
We finally get to Tolu’s apartment, the sitting room was so bright, the sun was shining right in, and it hurt the eyes. Again, one side of the room was almost entirely glass, you could literally see into the middle of the city. Some one commented that if he was timing the bus he would know just when to leave his apartment because he would be able to see the it coming down the road.
Tolu’s apartment was like one big space which had been subdivided, the walls of each of the rooms didn’t reach the ceiling. I was just thinking, incase he got locked in or out of his room that wouldn’t be a problem he would just climb over. This was one of the most interesting buildings I had ever seen. The pipes for all the different house facilities where hanging from the ceiling. It reminded me of the houses I had visited back home where people decide to move in and do the finishing’s while living there. The only difference was that Tolu’s apartment was pretty much done; everything was as it should be. This kind of housing I’m told is called a loft, quite interesting I must say.
It was nice to hang with the Nigerians for a bit, brought back memories of home. The music being played was familiar, the food was not too far off, and it was a nice way to spend the Sunday afternoon.
I noted that the guys were focused, as soon as they arrived, they did their round of greeting and immediately headed for the food, then sat down to eat. Which is a little different from the other functions I have attended, where people stand around and talk endlessly, sitting is not necessary, if you need something to eat, get it and continue to chat.
I got to taste pounded yam for the first time, it looked like posho (maize flour) but certainly tasted different, it’s a taste you probably get used to over time. I was happy to see Emolokony (cow hooves) tasty as ever, the chicken tasted just like the one in my village and then there was some mixture of greens.
Just before we left Mich decided he wanted some more of the greens, then one lady commented “he likes pepe” , I thought I had finally got the name of the dish so I said, “oh, so that’s what its called?”, she didn’t seem to get me, she repeated “ it’s got pepe, he likes it that way?” and I said yes “is that what you call it?” she didn’t seem to quite understand my responses so we let it pass. As I headed to the elevator it finally hit me just what the lady was trying to say, her accent was a little strong so I didn’t get it but she was noting that the food was “hot” and wondering how Mich liked the “Pepper” duh!
Sep 30, 2006
Count your blessings
I miss listening to the 'morning show' on Sanyu fm, they have some really crazy topics for discussion each morning.
In the building next to Rwenzori House there was a guy who sold pancakes every morning. I didn't buy them but I knew he would always be there as I passed on my way to work. (I miss the smell of Pancakes not the guy).
Then there are those little boys who are in the mobile manicure, pedicure business. They are cheap, easy to come by and can do a great job if they mean to. I was looking at my toes the other day and thinking how miserable they are. I can't just walk out the door and get the job done for 500shs (less than a dollar) as I used to back home. I haven't yet ventured into these beauty shops but I doubt it would be less than 15 dollars (30k). I don't think I should even be trying to make the conversions because quite honestly it doesn't make sense.
Ofcourse nothing beats the bodaboda guys (motor cyclists) on Kampala streets, yeah I know they can be a pain, making paths where they were none and all but you have to give them some credit. They get you to your destinations in good time, I guess I can say that because I never got an accident on them.
In Philly there is no such thing, you either take the bus, the train, the trolley or you walk, or drive for that matter.
I certainly don't miss the dust and load shedding, I'm quite happy to put on my sandles and walk for miles without my feet looking like I came from the garden. Did I tell you how candles flow freely here? there are candles of all shapes and sizes, if my visit was shorter I would pack a box to last me a year.
Its getting chilli here, the summer is over and now we are in fall. The sun shows it's face less and less, and even when it's there you don't quite feel its heat. The days are still bright but its quite clear that we are headed for winter not too far from now, oh yeah and it rains alot. That's when I think about the fantastic weather in Uganda, and the so appropriate MTN jingle "yello sunshine, yello sunshine everyday...". By the way the other thing I miss are the MTN jingles, (Big Dawg I still have beef for you).
You know, when you live in a place for long there are always people you see on the street whose faces become familiar. You might not necessarily know them personally but you see them quite often that you somehow get the feeling that you know them. I miss seeing those faces, here its stranger after stranger on the street, I guess with time I will be saying the same things of them.
I didn't mention "Katunda" (passion friut juice), and "dodo" (greens), "Kalo" (millet), "ebyenda" (cow intestines'), the list goes on and on.
I hope Ugandans are counting the blessings.
Sep 28, 2006
Strange sights
I have been thinking and one of my friends suggested that I should get Mich a stroller. That might make our lives less complicated in many ways, 1. I will not have to carry him on my back every where we go, 2. He will kind of be restricted in his movements and 3. We'll both be less tired at the end of the day, well I hope.
On the ride back home there was a girl sitting opposite from me, she was obviously pregnant, probably 15 years old and she was sucking her finger. Hmmm! talk about babies having babies, that was not a very happy sight.
Then the bus stopped to pickup some more people and this grandma about 75 years old gets on. She had supports to help her walk and the bus driver was kind enough to lower the bus for her to get on. Three quarters of the people on the bus were high school students heading back home so all the sits were taken. No body bothered to get up for the old woman to sit, I attempted to but was told not to because I had a child but all these other kids were just looking on. I thought that was out right disrespectful, none of these kids even butted an eye lid, they were so cold. There is a sign on every bus that says "please reserve these sits for the elderly and disabled" if there is none, people can sit but if someone gets on and clearly needs the sit then you give it up. So I'm wondering, is it that they couldn't care less or that nobody has taught them to give respect to their elders? Is life so hard that every one has to fend for themselves no matter how old you are? Honestly I think its crazy.
Sep 27, 2006

Judging from my previous postings it must be obvious that this Ugandan girl is getting settled. Atleast I haven't written anything dramatic, these past posting have pretty much been journeys within my mind and heart. You get to do alot of that when you are placed in unfamiliar sorroundings, thus the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.
Last Saturday, we took a brief break from the life in the city of brotherly love and headed to Washington DC. It was 2 hour bus ride organised by the International Students Programme, that was cool, it was a cheaper fare, you get to go with other "green" people and that makes its all the more fun.
The best part about this trip was that a friend of ours Mercy, was going to be our tour guide and host for the day. Well there was nothing to write home about the journey but certainly lots to see when we actually got to DC.
We were dropped off at the National Air and Space Museum, I thought that would be really exciting but unfortunatly the physician in me didn't even raise his head. There were Old planes, Rockets and a lot of Science in there, Mich on the other hand was ecstatic, he couldnt believe there was a whole building full of big toys. We had to run after him, grab him, carry him, run after him, grab him again... you get the picture. He was pushing people away every time he saw something he liked and that was pretty much for everything. Sam was alittle too embarrased he decided we should wait for Mercy outside, he was not about to leave school and get a job to pay for the damages.
Within no time Mercy was there, it was a fantastic reunion, I hadnt seen her in months. The last time we had met was very brief, less than 2 minutes, so I was pretty much seeing her again after a year. We sat by the museum for a bit and then she took us to see some of the sites of DC. World War II Memorial,Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument, that was good for the day seeing us we were walking and Mich was not too excited about that. We all took turns in carrying him however when we reached the World War II memorial Mich decided it was time to swim, he got aunt Mercy to take off his shirt, knowing that his mum wouldnt buy the idea. Aunt Mercy on the other hand thought he was just feeling hot until he began to take off his pants. No worries nothing happened, we saved the day, just to make him feel better we took him as close to the water as we could.
We later caught a cub and headed off to Mercy's condorminium, very posh place, God has definately been good. We managed to chat with her hubby Moses who is currently in Sweden over a system called "G Talk" technology is really going far, it was pretty much like an audio conference. She prepared assumptuous lunch, very tasty, we watched a movie, had wonder chapaties and were good to go. I know.... Wonder chapaties' is not the actual name they are called "Paratha", these are chapaties that are already rolled and all one has to do is heat them in a frying pan, no cooking oil and they are ready. They are fabulous, I think someone should introduce them in Uganda because honestly after the 45 minutes I spent the previous day making chapos, this was a piece of cake, less than a minute.
She fed us so well, supper was catered for we just got home and slept, that was about 10pm.
Sep 22, 2006
Its very important to have your priorities right especially in this place. Sam has a class mate who came in when she was just about ready to have her child. The first time I saw her I thought she was a partner but no, she is a student. This place is really hectic book wise (I have mentioned that several times) you don't want to be having babies now. If you miss just one class you will be left behind, its almost like not being there for a whole week. Enough happens in one day that you just cannot afford to be MIA. Lets just say that if there was a test or exam on the day you go into labor and give birth that's it, you might as well forget getting scores on those paper because no professor is going to give you a makeup exam. Obviously Sam and I felt for her and once he sat with her for lunch and the topic of the baby popped up. She said she hoped to have the baby and be back in class the day after.
Either this is going to be her first child so she has no clue what to expect or she has had several that now its a piece of cake. Her mom must be in town, that's my conclusion and I'm sticking to it. The good news is she did have the baby, not sure if she came to class the next day but I know she sent pictures of the baby soon after. Can you beat that?! this place is definitely full of geniuses. Did I mention that her husband is a student too?!
Sep 17, 2006
Last night we were invited to the Wharton Christian Fellowship (WCF) it took place in one of the apartments in Centre city, thats a bus ride away from home. The party was hosted by a nice guy called Kim David, he is studying for two degrees at the same time, people can really be sharp or is it having too much zeal for life?! He is studying for both his medical degree and his MBA, now how about that?, maximum respect I tell you.
We were so looking forward to the event that we got there an hour and ahalf early.The communication we got was that it started at 6pm but as it turned out it was scheduled for 7:30. The host was nice, he invited us in and told us to feel at home while he went to buy food for the party. We watched TV and read some books, time went by and people begun to show up. The usual, introduce yourself, where you come from, what you are doing and AOB. There are no announcements, well apart from the prayer to bless the food.Its was kinda like a pot luck where people offer to bring a dish, so we attacked. As usual after or during the meal which ever the case maybe one would need a drink and guess what?! there was lots of beer. I'm slowly growing a tough skin to some of these things, on sunday I saw one lady walk out of the church and immediately light a cigarette. It can be very confusing I tell you, I need God to help me have the right attitude. I have spoken to some of these people and its amazing how deep they are in God, its clear that they have a relationship. Its not what goes in but rather what comes out that makes the difference, right?
Sep 15, 2006
Wharton Kids club
Life at Wharton is pretty hectic right now, apart from the books, all the clubs are in the season of recruiting and advertizing. There is a dancers club, the whartones (singers), the writers at Kelly writers house, different business related clubs to name but a few. Students actually have their heads spinning trying to figure what club they need to join (for info and networking sake) and what would be nice to do. So apart from sorting through assignments there is the clubs. This has been fun for me because I on the other hand am rubbing my hands wondering what other club I can join, most of the clubs are open to partners as well. The down side is that most club activities take place in Centre City which means taking the bus and half them start at 11pm that pretty much says it all.
One club though that is sane in every way is the kids club, we joined it and Mich and I had our first interaction with other Wharton moms and children today. It was really nice, the interaction, the similarity and difference in our experiences, that was beautiful, the kids got a long well and enjoyed playing indoor games. There was a lot of information that I obtained from just this one meeting, in many ways its a networking ground too. I met two ladies who have taken up the responsibility of finding fun things for mothers and kids to do, they have drawn up a rota for each day of the week through to Sunday. One of the days includes an investment class for women, an introduction to different investing styles with the eventual goal of a stock portfolio competition. How cool is that?! I'm excited.
This evening we had another get together for students, Wharton partners and Wharton kids club, that was another great success. Meeting more people, just chatting, they organized it in a family setting, we had about three tables and chairs all around to make it look like one big family. We ate together, introduced our selves as we moved around and the kids had a great time. Again I love these family get together because you get to eat all the nutritious foods. I'm not very good with names but I have met three ladies talked at length with them and even exchanged phone numbers.
I realize now that there is lots to do, the sky is the limit, I just need money.
Sep 14, 2006
So I was thinking, maybe I came to Philly too soon, I should have stayed home for a while longer and then Mich and I would visit Sam over Christmas. Now it was making sense because then I would be occupied, I really enjoyed my work at the bank and it was promising, I was just about to move into a new field, well atleast that is what my boss told me. Charity was there to help me with Mich, I still had the car, friends, family and ministry in the church choir. Things were going real well, now I was looking back with some kind of regret. Yet again I remember we discussed this with Sam and decided it was best that we move together, separation has its strains. Now I see it comes with the growingup package, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Our relationships should come before the things we like to do and in this case my most important relationship is with my husband. There it is!
I realise that I need to make the most of what I have.
As I prayed, God brought to mind one thing that I can do as I wait for something to materialise and that is writing. Then this morning I recieved an email with a scripture "it is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man". I will carry that scripture in my heart and keep reminding myself that God is in control.
Sep 12, 2006
Wrong day
I was only able to leave the house about 1pm to run a few errands and also attend an introductory class on "Dance", I had been looking forward to joining this dance club so I made sure I had the location and time right. At 3pm the scheduled time for the class I call Sam to confirm the location of the lecture. I get there about 5 mins late, class is already in session, seats are all taken, people are standing at the back. I listen for a few minutes and figure something is definately wrong, for starters the person giving the lecture has a dog with her and she is discussing types of dogs and how they are not dangerous. This has nothing to do with dance thats for sure. I take some time and look around the class and they all have name tags and its a very serious setting. By this point Mich is restless and I'm getting abit uncomfortable seeing as I'm standing there with a little boy, I must have looked ridiculous, anyway I decide to go and do other things because really....!!!!!
Sam comes home and I tell him the story, he cant believe it, he is certain I went to the wrong class but no it was not the wrong class and the time was just right, I mean it wasnt like the previous class was running late or anything, and anyway that doesnt happen here.
I checked my mail afew minutes ago and discovered that the meeting is tomorrow not today uhuh hehehe....
Sep 11, 2006
I knew it was a terrible experience but now more than ever I see that it was something wicked, heartless and evil. Only God can truly bring healing to the Americans and only God can bring justice on whoever was behind this. May God grant healing and restoration and renewal to those who lost family and friends and to America as a country.
I keep wondering about the natural events that took place after that, the tsunami and the floods in New Orleans, is God trying to get our attention?
Power of the mind
Sep 10, 2006
Some pics
Monday was a holiday, labor day, it also happened to be Rachel's Birthday. Rachel is "our daughter" she is Ugandan, came in about a week ago, she is studying for her first degree and planning to be an Actuarial scientist. Don't ask me what that is but you might want to check it out on the Internet, when I first heard about it, I thought of aquariums and fish but no, they are not related in anyway.It has something to do with mathematics. She did her A levels at Namagunga and decided that Makerere was not the place to be so she applied to Wharton and was accepted.
We met her and her parents before leaving UG and seeing as she is very young, is a first born and she is leaving UG for the first time, her mother thought we would be good company. We are pretty much family.
I did a search on the net for the 'Navigators ministry" in Philly and I was able to get an email address through which I could contact them. I got a response the other day and today I met Brent and his wife, they asked for directions home and we had a good time. Of course I had to pray seriously seeing as its a scary world and after watching so many movies and reading stories, you never know who will show up. Apart from that, its not something I would just do,..... but I just did.
They are a wonderful couple, very helpful and passionate about knowing Christ and making him known.
By the way I met up with Becca, the pastors wife, nice! Banange the rain here can be so irritating, the kind that goes on all day. The day we were scheduled to meet it rained like that, I thought it would stop but it didn't. We have only one umbrella in the house and Sam had taken it, so I thought I would cancel. I called her cell phone but she wasn't picking, so Mich and I had to brave the rain. One thing I have learned about this place is, rain is no big deal, life goes on unlike in Ug where people just chill until it dries up. Anyway I was late for our meeting and lucky that I found her because she was just on her way back home. It was a good meeting just getting to know each other that's all.
Praise Report
God continues to watch over us in more ways than I could have imagined I am really grateful and thank Him for being there for us. You may be wondering what has brought on all the praise but truly its just the way I feel His presence and in the things He does for us.
I think I can confidently say that we have found the church where we will be attending while we are here. This might sound funny but indeed it is "Vineyard Community Church" the very first church I attended. Pastors wife with the nose ring, remember?!, speaking of I haven't yet met with her, we set a date for 5th, that is Tuesday.
We've been to two other churches and as we visited my prayer was always that God would confirm it in our hearts. Today we went back to Vineyard and honestly it was simply amazing, nothing miraculous, just a peace and feeling comfortable there. They are really down to earth, not fussy about being flashy or anything, its an atmosphere of "come and meet God for yourself". Feel free to express yourself to God, also I like the way their vision is very practical, today's sermon was about "investing locally", find two people that you can pour your life into, share your gifts,abilities and talents, basically mentor and increase just like Jesus did with the disciples. We were also encouraged to have a focus 6 list, people that we purpose to pray for. Sam said he was quite happy attending here and to crown it all Mich had a great time in Sunday school, wasn't too happy to leave.
Something interesting, every parent who takes a kid to Sunday school is given a pager so that in case there is an emergency they can page the parent in the service. Sam had the pager and apparently he was paged twice but he didn't hear, why was he being paged? well Mich needed to go to the bathroom, since there was no response they took him. I was wondering why that was an issue, couldn't they just take him in?, then I was educated on how these people take the child abuse thing very seriously. If they are not very familiar with you, they would prefer you take your child to the bathroom lest you sue them for molesting your child.
Later this afternoon I took Mich to play and a couple came with their child, after a while the guy comes over to me and shares a brochure about his church. He then introduced me to the lady to give me details, I was really amazed at how she really blew for the church, how she thinks its the best, I would be really at home there ....
The teaching is solid and all but I just found it interesting that I would meet her soon after it was pretty much settled in my heart where I want to be. She was so helpful, giving me info about day care, voluntary work, finding my way around the town. She prayed for me, gave me her number, even said we would be welcome to her home for lunch and we talked for quite sometime.
Now is God watching over us or what?
Sep 5, 2006
Lost in Franklin Mills : 31st August 2006
We were told we had four hours to walk around or shop. It went well until five minutes to the time we were scheduled to get back to the bus. Mich had wondered off, at the start I thought he was in the Jessy Penny store, we had walked in earlier and played a little hide and seek among the rack of clothes. I walked around once, then twice, by the third time I was getting freaked, I couldn't see him. At this point I decided to let the guy at the counter know I was looking for my little boy. The shop was really huge I thought he could have run into an office or something. The guy asks for Mich's name and makes an announcement hoping that he would hear and come out, wa!.
Phew!!!!!!!!! and I thought my stories were over.
Aug 29, 2006
Chips or french fries: 28th August 2006
Sam, Mich and I are doing well, the pressure of books subsided a bit over this weekend because preterm is about to close and they need to get ready for the real roller-coaster. Today we had a family BBQ for students and partners, it was really nice, great food, lots of people and children. I was so happy to see all these kids because I was beginning to think Sam was the only guy in the school who had a wife and child. We would go for parties and I was the only one there with a kid, it was beginning to feel really weird but I got to understand that some families live in the outskirts so the students cant exactly drag everyone along to a get together and other partners have jobs and people to babysit when they have to go places.
At least now I have one or two people I can hung with at these functions, I'm not all that good with hitting it off first time, I think I'm happier getting to know and bond with people over a long period, so far so good.
We had a dance session that I found really hilarious, well first the music was a Little strange to me although I must admit the DJ tried his best considering that he had a vast audience: Chinese, Indian, Korean, African, black American, American e.t.c. Anyway guys got on to the dance floor and honestly if say the music was muted and you were watching this on screen you would think they had been bitten by insects, it was quite entertaining, the Africans definitely took the cup because they just knew their thing.
The variety of drinks here is incredible, at some point I decided to get something to drink, I had seen one of our christian buddies drinking some canned stuff so I thought I would give it a try, wrong move I tell you. It didn't taste nice and it was actually a beer, I took one sip and was glad nobody was looking, I quickly put it on the table with the rest of the unfinished drinks. I guess I should learn to read the labels better.
Mich is doing holding up, a little more cautious when playing with other children but opens up when he realizes that he is in good company.
I hear Kony has agreed to cease fire/ peace talks, that sounds like really good news.
Have a great day
Playmates : 23rd August 2006
I told him that the little kids were not very friendly and that he should not mind them, so he went to play with the other fun things. What was strange was that after a while the same little boys came around to him, not exactly playing with him but wanting to keep his company, I was wondering if this was some kind of initiation thing. By this time he had forgotten about them and just went on playing. Its great to be a child, I think if I was treated that way I would have headed home as fast as I could and sulked the whole evening.
Since the boys were older than him they were climbing the fence and Mich was there telling them " dont do that you will fall".
I'm yet to make a conclusion on this but I noticed that "Americans of foreign origin" in this case the kids were chinese are more defensive as opposed to the Americans. I mean I have been out when Mich is playing with what I would call American kids and they somehow hit it off well and usually the parents come round or just say hello or ask how old Mich is. I guess its survival for the fittest, just makes me realise the need to continue praying over Mich and teaching him bible values because quite frankly its scary the kind of influence that comes from other kids. I dont want him to be mean and bully but then again how do you protect a child from life??
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